Reform UK Party Limited Company

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again
Is there a version that makes any sense at all?
It was an attempt at a humourous point, that people really shouldn't be getting conned by these charlatans again, especially after the catastrophe of their last major political movement, by using a famous failure that was trying to say the same thing.
It was an attempt at a humourous point, that people really shouldn't be getting conned by these charlatans again, especially after the catastrophe of their last major political movement, by using a famous failure that was trying to say the same thing.
The trouble with Reform is that half have links to the ridiculous Tory party we have endured for fourteen years while the rest have links to an assortment of xenophobic, and possibly racist, organisations from the past.
Can’t see how that would work. A shadow cabinet consisting of politically diametrically opposed politicians would be a complete shambles and a waste of time.
I can not either, but it might be the only way to cobble together an opposition. They would have one thing in common, they are not Labour MPs. We need a functioning opposition for our system to work, if we do not have one, we are in danger of becoming a tyranny as no minister would be held to account for his actions.
There will still be around 50 Tory MPs, and/or a similar number of Lib Dems. Out of 50 people you ought to be able to find spokespersons enough to cover the various portfolios. If they aren't up to it, why are they MPs? In an extreme case, you might have to have one person speaking to two portfolios, but even that should be manageable.

Though I would love a Tory wipeout, I wouldn't be that surprised if in fact they have over 100 MPs. If they can't organise an opposition with such a number, they're not fit to be in the job.

They will always tend to be outvoted of course, whether Labour has a majority of 20 or 200. The way things work, the opposition can argue against stuff and criticise, but it's rarely in a position to stop something unless the government supporting MPs are divided among themselves.
Tbh, while I wouldn't want to see any of them in actual power, I think farage, Galloway and the SNP will to a much better job of holding the new labour government to account in parliament than the Tories.
Keep Starmer on his toes until he gets booted out in 5 years time only for another bunch of incompetent's without definition to turn up and form a clueless Government, rinse and repeat until the country is more fucked than it is today.
Keep Starmer on his toes until he gets booted out in 5 years time only for another bunch of incompetent's without definition to turn up and form a clueless Government, rinse and repeat until the country is more fucked than it is today.
I'd love to disagree and offer an alternative view, but sadly can't.

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