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I used to work reasonably closely with him so probably know him better than most people. I can only speak to how he was then (not in politics) and he was a decent bloke who I wouldn’t have called a racist by any metric. Yeah he had a picture of himself on the wall in Union Jack swimming trunks so a bit of a flag waver but so what?

That said when he questioned Sunak’s Britishness when he left the D-Day celebrations early he crossed the line for me into racist territory.
There’s a poster on here that went to school with him at Dulwich College who would stridently disagree with your assessment.
Keir Starmer is a politician and lawyer, it's his job to tell lies. I'd be surprised if he started wolf whistling with his five-a-side mates and telling racist jokes at working men's clubs or had an extramarital affair with a colleague for a decade.
Steady on. Lies, post 5 a side shenanigans and extramarital affairs .... too many keywords ;-)
Tbh, while I wouldn't want to see any of them in actual power, I think farage, Galloway and the SNP will to a much better job of holding the new labour government to account in parliament than the Tories.
In our adversarial parliamentary system you make a decent point. If and I still think it is a big if Labour get 450 seats as predicted then the other 200 would possibly have to form a coalition of opposition led by the second biggest party whoever that maybe, it might even be the Lib Dems if the Tories do collapse completely. I am sure Galloway would welcome that, but would a Lib Dem or Tory or even SNP led opposition offer him an opposition portfolio. I doubt any of them would welcome Farage and he would be a gob on a stick backbencher with next to no influence.

In theory though we could end up with an opposition front bench that included Ed Davey, whichever Tory senior Tory minister survives, Galloway, Corbyn, Flynn from the SNP (I rate him) someone from the DUP, Greens and Plaid just so that opposition roles could be filled.

Whatever happens it is going to be interesting to see how it pans out.
In theory though we could end up with an opposition front bench that included Ed Davey, whichever Tory senior Tory minister survives, Galloway, Corbyn, Flynn from the SNP (I rate him) someone from the DUP, Greens and Plaid just so that opposition roles could be filled.

Whatever happens it is going to be interesting to see how it pans out.

He has charisma and a low rounded voice that helps hypnotise people somewhat.

He’s very good at knowing where the line is and saying stuff that makes people think beyond that line and they are the ones that portray the overt racism. He merely helps facilitate that in his role as a “politician”.

When you read stuff about him singing certain songs growing up and his association with certain groups, it’s hard not to think that he has racist tendencies.

He’s able to turn these tendencies up and down, depending on his agenda.

It also helps that he has no shame.

That’s a pretty balanced post for someone who is as divisive as Farage.
In our adversarial parliamentary system you make a decent point. If and I still think it is a big if Labour get 450 seats as predicted then the other 200 would possibly have to form a coalition of opposition led by the second biggest party whoever that maybe, it might even be the Lib Dems if the Tories do collapse completely. I am sure Galloway would welcome that, but would a Lib Dem or Tory or even SNP led opposition offer him an opposition portfolio. I doubt any of them would welcome Farage and he would be a gob on a stick backbencher with next to no influence.

In theory though we could end up with an opposition front bench that included Ed Davey, whichever Tory senior Tory minister survives, Galloway, Corbyn, Flynn from the SNP (I rate him) someone from the DUP, Greens and Plaid just so that opposition roles could be filled.

Whatever happens it is going to be interesting to see how it pans out.
Can’t see how that would work. A shadow cabinet consisting of politically diametrically opposed politicians would be a complete shambles and a waste of time.
Thats just it though Tory light no longer the party of the people.

Well why you fussed if you're a natural tory voter it's a win win you get your party just with a different name? Alot of copium going on saying Labour are tories now to try and make yourselves feel better.
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