Refugee crisis

Hi, apologies for linking a shit site, I read the article and couldn't find it again so linked the first one from Google.
It is official figures though and was initally published by the ONS

The number is 26.5% of births were to mothers born outside of the UK. So more than 1 in 4.

Also reported was that the UK population will top 70 million in 12 years - that's a massive increase:

15 years ago this was 54 million - that's a 30% increase in population. How can we possibly sustain this growth on current infrastructure? The answer is we can't - more people require more hospitals, schools, roads, dentists, space, housing. Is this really sustainable?

We already have one of the highest density populations (267 people per sq km) compared to France (121), Sweden (24). Surely this should be a factor (along with affordability) when allocating refugees?

There is lots of interesting data in the report. Total Fertility Rate for different ethnicities tells a story in itself.
Hi, apologies for linking a shit site, I read the article and couldn't find it again so linked the first one from Google.
It is official figures though and was initally published by the ONS

The number is 26.5% of births were to mothers born outside of the UK. So more than 1 in 4.

Also reported was that the UK population will top 70 million in 12 years - that's a massive increase:

15 years ago this was 54 million - that's a 30% increase in population. How can we possibly sustain this growth on current infrastructure? The answer is we can't - more people require more hospitals, schools, roads, dentists, space, housing. Is this really sustainable?

We already have one of the highest density populations (267 people per sq km) compared to France (121), Sweden (24). Surely this should be a factor (along with affordability) when allocating refugees?

Yes but that means nearly 74% of births are to mothers born in the UK.

Your figures indicate that over a 27 year period the population would increase by 16 million. Not an unsustainable rate of growth and hardly out of kilter what is seen in most developed countries I wouldn't think. I don't see the problem being the growth its successive governments failing to prepare properly with investments in roads, schools, hospitals, dentists and most importantly housing !
Hi, apologies for linking a shit site, I read the article and couldn't find it again so linked the first one from Google.
It is official figures though and was initally published by the ONS

The number is 26.5% of births were to mothers born outside of the UK. So more than 1 in 4.

Also reported was that the UK population will top 70 million in 12 years - that's a massive increase:

15 years ago this was 54 million - that's a 30% increase in population. How can we possibly sustain this growth on current infrastructure? The answer is we can't - more people require more hospitals, schools, roads, dentists, space, housing. Is this really sustainable?

We already have one of the highest density populations (267 people per sq km) compared to France (121), Sweden (24). Surely this should be a factor (along with affordability) when allocating refugees?

Would you been in favour of say some sort of law restricting couples to have say only 2 children max , a bit like China ?
Bad day for Turkey really following the election results.. thankfully AKP didn't get quite enough seats to do stuff without referenda. Bad times ahead for that country I fear.. The same country allowing shit boats full of refugees to leave, sink and drown upon their shores. A change might have been good if only in that case.
Yes but that means nearly 74% of births are to mothers born in the UK.

Your figures indicate that over a 27 year period the population would increase by 16 million. Not an unsustainable rate of growth and hardly out of kilter what is seen in most developed countries I wouldn't think. I don't see the problem being the growth its successive governments failing to prepare properly with investments in roads, schools, hospitals, dentists and most importantly housing !

Yes, sounds like a perfect world. We'll spend on roads, schools, hospitals, dentists, housing.. anything else? What should we cut to fund the investment? I'm sure there are odd bits like government salaries we all agree on, but funding on roads and infrastructure is an easy one to put off with every other area requiring funding.

This also takes a lot of time, it's taking 3 years to upgrade the M62 just to provide a motorway that will be just be about to cope with what we'll have on the roads in 3 years' time.
Would you been in favour of say some sort of law restricting couples to have say only 2 children max , a bit like China ?

I don't think that's the answer, the reformations of the welfare structure will help so we are not paying ridiculous benefits to families with 10 children. The answer is all in controlling immigration while we are able to rebuild infrastruture.
Yes, sounds like a perfect world. We'll spend on roads, schools, hospitals, dentists, housing.. anything else? What should we cut to fund the investment? I'm sure there are odd bits like government salaries we all agree on, but funding on roads and infrastructure is an easy one to put off with every other area requiring funding.

This also takes a lot of time, it's taking 3 years to upgrade the M62 just to provide a motorway that will be just be about to cope with what we'll have on the roads in 3 years' time.

If you read my post I am criticizing historic failings in planning and spending not suggesting its all gonna be fixed overnight.
I don't think that's the answer, the reformations of the welfare structure will help so we are not paying ridiculous benefits to families with 10 children. The answer is all in controlling immigration while we are able to rebuild infrastruture.

Just to put things into further perspective Europe has been "overrun" by the arrival of 218 thousand refugee's this summer.

The EU population is 509 million people from what I can see on line - represent an increase in population of 0.000429%
Just to put things into further perspective Europe has been "overrun" by the arrival of 218 thousand refugee's this summer.

The EU population is 509 million people from what I can see on line - represent an increase in population of 0.000429% 800,000 this year alone and that's just the ones they know about. On top of that are economic migrants from the rest of the EU, I appreciate the EU has a problem but looking at the population per sq k in this country the UK is far higher densly populated than others
The UN states 218k but even using your figures that 0.0011% or a smidge over one thousandth of a per cent increase in population. I am not saying do nothing about it I am saying stop scaremongering by not putting your figures into context. That rate is the equivalent of 510 arriving in the UK - even Cameron is talking 20k in 5 years mate.

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