Refugee crisis

I think the Tories are getting it right about the refugee crisis.

The government's job is to serve the public and there does not seem to be any evidence of large scale public approval for many refugees to be allowed to come here.
I think the Tories are getting it right about the refugee crisis.

The government's job is to serve the public and there does not seem to be any evidence of large scale public approval for many refugees to be allowed to come here.

I think that is largely down to the media and the government, describing humans as a swarm etc, its dehumanising. The photo on the front of todays paper will change public opinon im sure
Why does everyone assume these people would be drain on society?

If refugees are a benefit to a society why aren't countries eager to get as many as they can instead of squabbling amongst themselves about how many each should accept.

Are all countries wrong in assuming refugees are a net cost to their societies?

Seems unlikely to me.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has taken in 0 Syrian refugees,whys that??why are neighbouring countries/ States not helping.
Surely they should at least tackle the Human Traffickers,or couldn't any of them give a shit.
Another question,seen loads of the pics & vast majority are grown men very few children,so are they economic migrants or refugees.
Seems that if you are fleeing a country you go to the nearest 1 not 1 1,000's of miles farther away.
If refugees are a benefit to a society why aren't countries eager to get as many as they can instead of squabbling amongst themselves about how many each should accept.

Are all countries wrong in assuming refugees are a net cost to their societies?

Seems unlikely to me.

What do you think we should do? We cant just sit back and watch, so what are the options?
Im not being a dick or anything, genuinely interested to hear other opinions.
Hungary have said they can stay there but they don't want to stay there...some horrible scenes from that train.

"Germany's problem" says Hungary. Germany have made the refugees their main destination by offering to take so many.

I wonder what Germans think about that.
Here's the account of how that poor boy came to be washed up on the beach:

The family of a three-year-old Syrian boy whose body was washed up on a beach in Turkey were making a final, desperate attempt to flee to relatives in Canada even though their asylum application had been rejected, according to reports.

Speaking to Canadian press on Wednesday night, the family said Abdullah Kurdi had phoned them to tell them his wife and sons were dead, and now only wanted to return to their Kurdish hometown of Kobani to bury his family. The town was bombarded by heavy fighting earlier this year between Islamic State and Kurdish fighters.

Their aunt Teema Kurdi, a hairdresser in Vancouver, heard the news from her brother Mohammad’s wife, Ghuson. “She had got a call from Abdullah, and all he said was, my wife and two boys are dead,” she told the National Post.

“I was trying to sponsor them, and I have my friends and my neighbours who helped me with the bank deposits, but we couldn’t get them out, and that is why they went in the boat.

“I was even paying rent for them in Turkey, but it is horrible the way they treat Syrians there.”

Kurdi, who emigrated to Canada more than two decades ago, said she had privately sponsored a refugee application for the family to come and join her in Canada, but the application had been rejected.

Her account was confirmed by her local MP, Fin Donnelly, who told the paper that he had personally delivered Kurdi’s application to the immigration minister, Chris Alexander.

The application made by Kurdi, if successful, allows refugees to move to Canada if they have the sponsorship of at least five Canadian citizens, on the condition those citizens provide financial and emotional support.

Only applicants who have been formally designated refugees can apply, and many Syrian Kurds have reported difficulties getting their applications processed in UNHCR camps in Turkey. Turkey will also not issue exit visas to refugees if they do not have official status.

The two young brothers and their mother were among at least 12 Syrians who died on the boat headed for Greece.

The boat was part of a flotilla of small dinghies, boarded by passengers at Akyarlar, the closest point to the Greek Aegean island of Kos.

It overturned in calm waters, overloaded by the 17 passengers. Bodies washed up on the shore in Ali Hoca Point beach in Bodrum. Another dinghy, also carrying a further 16 people, is also known to have capsized.

The Turkish coastguard said five children and a woman had died when the boat capsized, and another three people were still missing. Helicopters helped rescue another 15 people.

This week, the Turkish coastguard said it had rescued over 42,000 people in the Aegean Sea in the first five months of 2015 and 2,160 in the last week. More than 100 were pulled from the sea on Wednesday night alone, trying to reach Kos, the coastguard told AFP.

So they weren't trying to get to Greece as they saw the EU as the "land of milk of honey", as some pathetic tools on here have assumed. They were going to Greece because Syrians are treated like shit in Turkey and they needed to get to their relatives in Canada. Desperate people who took desperate measures, and some thick fucking idiots who get their world view from Bravo-Two-Zero were suggesting that they didn't deserve sympathy. Freeloaders you cried. Responsible for their own suffering you suggested. Cunts. You fucking self-centred heartless dumb-as-fuck idiot cunts. Sub-human manchild pieces of worthless shit. There are some right nasty, spiteful cunts on here. I fucking despise you and I'm finding it hard not to wish such deprivation and desperation and suffering on each and every one of you.

And then there are the imbeciles with an IQ of a coffee-cup who's reaction to this is "lets blow some more of [insert M.E country here] up". Yeah, cos that's been shown to work these past 13 years hasn't it? The reason IS has been able to flourish is because of the vacuum left over from our previous military misadventures. Go back to wanking off over your Jane's Military Weekly and Action Man figurines please, and leave foreign policy to grown-ups.

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