Religion, mammoths and dinosaurs,

Bigga said:
It was a tad rude I guess, but really directed to one person that copies and pastes stuff to pass on as their own font of knowledge.
No copy and pasting was needed to show you up before.

Such as your little thought that knowing the Earth was round was the theory of heliocentricity.

Bless. And yet you keep telling us all how much research you do.
Damocles said:
Bigga said:
Okay, cool, I get it.

The Big Bang is basically massive conjecture that all the boffins decided was a really good way of explaining what they don't understand.

So... your New Bible, in a skewed way.

At least you tried.
Bigga said:
Okay, cool, I get it.
As usual, no, you don't. The big irony is you pretend to be open-minded and open to alternative viewpoints yet when someone takes time to explain science to you, you dismiss it blithely. It seems you are only open-minded about the stuff which has no evidence i.e. you're only open-minded about things that need faith to believe in. The science which brought you the computer you type on, you have no respect for that, despite, and I hate to say quote Dawkins as I dislike the man:

[Science] works! Planes fly. Cars drive. Computers compute. If you base medicine on science, you cure people. If you base the design of planes on science, they fly. If you base the design of rockets on science, they reach the moon. It works, bitches.

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