
Happy non-religious Xmas to all those who are non-religious folk on here. Enjoy. I have decided to start a religious cult. Its prime tenet is one of coming to remember how to
know and feel the joy of simplicity. So, if you want to play a tune that brings a smile to the face - a light to the eyes - of someone that was a stranger...then great. You want to volunteer to wash the dishes before your beloved asks you? Just because you love her? How wonderful. You want to cancel a debt that is owed to you because...well You're doing pretty well and you figure they have a pretty rough time recently? Bring it on...You want to call me a flaky, woo-woo twat? Is ok too, right? God bless you all...
Bugger off, God-botherer.
Mods, If this is too much for you to handle, no worries, delete away.

I was in the pub earlier and a friend of mine hobbled up to the bar with his leg in a cast, asked for a beer and a shot but it had to be down low as his brother in law and family were there and were 'very religious' and could never handle seeing him drink alcohol. This guy is a doctor and has two children with the guy's sister, yet still fears upsetting this pious **** sat outside because he's very religious.
I personally would have taken great pleasure in sitting in front of him in a licensed restaurant and made him suck it up and realise that his shitty view of the world doesn't effect me or anyone else other than him.

There, off my chest
Just watched Storyville

very good.

1. young pastor & evangelical go to Israel to see Christian ‘historic’ sites and are shown to be complete arseholes.
2. The art of removing money from naive people is alive and well in religion.
3. Standard paedophile issue.
4. Very standard hypocrisy of ‘do what I say…’
5. Mega church events are very scary due to having large echos of dictatorship worship - communist, historic nazi/modern trump etc.

so… nice reenforcement of previous thoughts on religion, really.
Seeing as religion is currently being discussed in the US Politics thread, I thought I'd resurrect this thread (1 Corinthians 15:21).

Despite the Establishment Clause, certain US Lawmakers continue to use religious tub thumping to court votes. People like Trump courted Right wing religious extremist to do his bidding in places like Charlotte, and his virtue signalling in Lafayette Square on June 1 as he posed for a photo op holding a bible (after non-violent protestors were cleared out with batons and tear gas) outside St Johns Church was utterly deplorable.

And Joel Olsteen is still a C*NT!

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