
Has anyone mentioned access to children?
One aspect of any of the various faiths is a culture of tolerating abuse of kids in all their forms.
The bigger and more powerful they become,the more depraved the act,it's all the more likely it will be covered up.
Huge paedophile rings that have had in some cases thousands of years to perfect the protection of abusers.
Not for a minute suggesting all those involved in religions are abusers,it's that abusers know the power religion has in society although thankfully its being eroded somewhat nowadays.

While this undeniably applies to organised religion, it also applies to all power structures. Do you think senior politicians (for example) who fancy kids can't find a way without making use of religion? 'Sir' Cyril Smith, that obnoxious fat shit who was obviously dodgy to anyone with instinct, is a good example. I am sure there are others we know nothing about. You only have to look at some of the MPs to see a potential Savile. The so-called 'colourful' ones.

The problem is power structures and humanity's tendency to unconditional deference. All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Of course, the corruption takes different forms, depending on the individual. Most men don't fancy kids and still wouldn't if they were the King. But there are those who do.

By the way, power structures work even within families. The cases I know about personally were all messed with by their dads/uncles, not by a priest. But often families go into denial mode. They don't want to admit that 'our Arthur' likes messing with his daughter. Because it's not something they want to think about.
While this undeniably applies to organised religion, it also applies to all power structures. Do you think senior politicians (for example) who fancy kids can't find a way without making use of religion? 'Sir' Cyril Smith, that obnoxious fat shit who was obviously dodgy to anyone with instinct, is a good example. I am sure there are others we know nothing about. You only have to look at some of the MPs to see a potential Savile. The so-called 'colourful' ones.

The problem is power structures and humanity's tendency to unconditional deference. All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Of course, the corruption takes different forms, depending on the individual. Most men don't fancy kids and still wouldn't if they were the King. But there are those who do.

By the way, power structures work even within families. The cases I know about personally were all messed with by their dads/uncles, not by a priest. But often families go into denial mode. They don't want to admit that 'our Arthur' likes messing with his daughter. Because it's not something they want to think about.
This is a religion thread, didn't realise I had to engage in whataboutery to get my point across.
Has anyone mentioned access to children?
One aspect of any of the various faiths is a culture of tolerating abuse of kids in all their forms.
The bigger and more powerful they become,the more depraved the act,it's all the more likely it will be covered up.
Huge paedophile rings that have had in some cases thousands of years to perfect the protection of abusers.
Not for a minute suggesting all those involved in religions are abusers,it's that abusers know the power religion has in society although thankfully its being eroded somewhat nowadays.
Think it was Dawkins who said that forcing religion on kids was in itself a form of abuse. But he’s an arsehole.
Think it was Dawkins who said that forcing religion on kids was in itself a form of abuse. But he’s an arsehole.
He's an arse but that doesn't make him wrong. If you're not old enough to vote, drink or get married you're not old enough to commit to a religious group.
He's an arse but that doesn't make him wrong. If you're not old enough to vote, drink or get married you're not old enough to commit to a religious group.
Didn’t Mohammed marry a six year old?
While this undeniably applies to organised religion, it also applies to all power structures. Do you think senior politicians (for example) who fancy kids can't find a way without making use of religion? 'Sir' Cyril Smith, that obnoxious fat shit who was obviously dodgy to anyone with instinct, is a good example. I am sure there are others we know nothing about. You only have to look at some of the MPs to see a potential Savile. The so-called 'colourful' ones.

The problem is power structures and humanity's tendency to unconditional deference. All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Of course, the corruption takes different forms, depending on the individual. Most men don't fancy kids and still wouldn't if they were the King. But there are those who do.

By the way, power structures work even within families. The cases I know about personally were all messed with by their dads/uncles, not by a priest. But often families go into denial mode. They don't want to admit that 'our Arthur' likes messing with his daughter. Because it's not something they want to think about.
Saved me the bother of writing a lengthy reply.
Add the royal family to the list.
Family structure and absolute power.
You could be right. But given the nature of society, it was scarcely necessary to invent religion in order to abuse kids. Until relatively recently in our history, a father had complete power over his family. The state simply did not interfere. That religion added another layer is a strong possibility. We see it even now in certain closed societies where the 'minister' (to use a neutral term) is held to be above suspicion due to his high social status in that society.

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