
You could be right. But given the nature of society, it was scarcely necessary to invent religion in order to abuse kids. Until relatively recently in our history, a father had complete power over his family. The state simply did not interfere. That religion added another layer is a strong possibility. We see it even now in certain closed societies where the 'minister' (to use a neutral term) is held to be above suspicion due to his high social status in that society.
this is where lord actons words of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is never truer
Yes you're correct and my point is major religions may have started out as ways to abuse kids and developed from there.
They all have problems when it comes to children.
I see what you are saying. In fairness I’d agree with BrianW insofar as I feel that religions developed as power structures primarily. They were a way of controlling the masses.
I do agree with you however that certain Christian denominations by their nature of demanding celibacy, which in itself was a control of the church’s wealth, attracted deviants and perhaps nurtured deviant behaviour because of the lack of physical intimacy.
Perhaps the greens have it right.
Maybe the one true religion is respect the world you live in, and be in balance with your environment, because we’re not as clever as we think we are.
And the Old Testament tells us to go forth and multiply and it also tells us that humans were given dominium over all the creatures of the world. No wonder the planet is as good as finished.
As I said previously, we are nought but a virus.
Didn’t Mohammed marry a six year old?
‘A’isha entered Muhammad’s home as his wife at a tender age; the range of years is given as between six and nine. The marriage was not consummated until she reached puberty…Child marriage was not an uncommon practice in the Arabian peninsula at this time, often being contracted for political purposes between leading families [as this one was].’

Asma Afsaruddin (a reputable academic rather than one of those nebulous ‘Islamic scholars’ with dubious credentials) - The First Muslims pg. 66

Of course, this abhorrent practice persists in parts of the Islamic world, for example, in Afghanistan under the Taliban.

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