
Oh I know all this mate, not an adherent to any particular religious doctrine myself but I do have an interest in them. Just thought it was an interesting piece.
I always find those kind of articles interesting. I find religions interesting n’all, while I don’t believe in any of them.

NASA has depressing speculation as to why we haven’t detected any signals from space representing other “intelligent” life forms.

In brief it suggests that as life forms become more technologically advanced but before they can make contact,with others the life form is “filtered out” a euphemism for becomes extinct or self destructs.

There are signs that we may be going the same way, if not through wars then through over exploitation of our natural resources and unchecked population growth. If we, following Psychedelic Canal’s analysis, see central tenets across a lot of the major religions and strip them from a lot of the ritualistic embellishments we could perhaps see a common message - Love God, Love your neighbour. Generalising it further humanists might go along with Love nature/creation, love humanity.

If NASA’s gloomy prognosis is correct perhaps that central message represents salvation for our species, or its successors.

Whether a God concept is necessary to achieve that is a mute point and it must be admitted that most religious organisations are not very good at following their own mantra and are often used by individuals to promote themselves rather than the good of all.
Interesting take Casssandra. 'Moot' point indeed.
Interesting take Casssandra. 'Moot' point indeed.
Indeed, I posted that and went for a shower, whilst I was standing in the shower I suddenly thought "I put mute instead of moot!" I'd hoped to correct it before anyone noticed.
Orthodox Jews. The women's hair must not be seen, so they can chose to shave of their hair as it is easier.
Shaving hair is very rare amongst orthodox Jewish women. The vast majority wear a wig covering most of their natural hair. This wig lark is only found in ultra orthodox communities.
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NASA has depressing speculation as to why we haven’t detected any signals from space representing other “intelligent” life forms.

In brief it suggests that as life forms become more technologically advanced but before they can make contact,with others the life form is “filtered out” a euphemism for becomes extinct or self destructs.

There are signs that we may be going the same way, if not through wars then through over exploitation of our natural resources and unchecked population growth. If we, following Psychedelic Canal’s analysis, see central tenets across a lot of the major religions and strip them from a lot of the ritualistic embellishments we could perhaps see a common message - Love God, Love your neighbour. Generalising it further humanists might go along with Love nature/creation, love humanity.

If NASA’s gloomy prognosis is correct perhaps that central message represents salvation for our species, or its successors.

Whether a God concept is necessary to achieve that is a moot point and it must be admitted that most religious organisations are not very good at following their own mantra and are often used by individuals to promote themselves rather than the good of all.
Perhaps the greens have it right.
Maybe the one true religion is respect the world you live in, and be in balance with your environment, because we’re not as clever as we think we are.
Has anyone mentioned access to children?
One aspect of any of the various faiths is a culture of tolerating abuse of kids in all their forms.
The bigger and more powerful they become,the more depraved the act,it's all the more likely it will be covered up.
Huge paedophile rings that have had in some cases thousands of years to perfect the protection of abusers.
Not for a minute suggesting all those involved in religions are abusers,it's that abusers know the power religion has in society although thankfully its being eroded somewhat nowadays.

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