
The C of E are now under pressure to see God as a gender neutral entity and may have to rewrite the Lords Prayer. Father and pronouns nouns such as He and Her will have to go. I can't see the RC church doing likewise, let alone the Jehovas Witnesses and the Happy Clappers in theirs. Islam would be stoning such reformers for even suggesting it. It will be interesting to stand back and watch the fireworks.
I wonder what colour skin god has ?
Religion is increasingly irrelevant to more people in the UK. Seems funny because its not about the rise of other religions over Christianity its about people just not having any interest in religion at all ( as witnessed by falling attendances at churches )
I think the Pentecostal churches are doing very well in the UK, Hillsong, C3 etc. Their flock is growing.
I think the Pentecostal churches are doing very well in the UK, Hillsong, C3 etc. Their flock is growing.

Just a tiny minority of the population - you only need to consult the last Census to see what levels Christianity is at = todays same sex marriage ruling does them no further favours - - stuck in a period of time probably at least 100 years ago
Just a tiny minority of the population - you only need to consult the last Census to see what levels Christianity is at = todays same sex marriage ruling does them no further favours - - stuck in a period of time probably at least 100 years ago

You seem to have an axe to grind with Christianity? The other 2 major religions don't give a flying fuck about gay people either, I suspect they wouldn't even bless them.

The important thing is the law which does care.

Why someone even cares why getting the nod from a man in a frock astounds me, most of it is as political as it appears though. Religion has mostly been boiled down to a custom in the west and in that form it is still strong, the way we live by our religious roots.
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You seem to have an axe to grind with Christianity? The other 2 major religions don't give a flying fuck about gay people either, I suspect they wouldn't even bless them.

The important thing is the law which does care.

Why someone even cares why getting the nod from a man in a frock astounds me, most of it is as political as it appears though. Religion has mostly been boiled down to a custom in the west and in that form it is still strong, the way we live by our religious roots.
what are the other two major religions in the UK?

catholicism is a minority
judaism is
Islam is
buddhism is
sikhism is
hinduism is also

All those together only make up 12% of the populations religion leanings.

atheism is at 36% and Christianity(Prodestant ones) at 44%

all from the last census

any religion is still clinging to 2000 year old texts written by gimps in churches/temples/monestaries really need to sort themselves out.

The CofE were the subject of the larest story posted on here so I don't think is was Christianity bashing the last few posts just on the topic of the moment
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any religion is still clinging to 2000 year ild texts written by gimps in churches/temples/monestaries really need to sort themselves out

That's what I agree with, EVERY religion.

Still it amazes me how people either want acceptance from religion whilst they have acceptance in law.
The C of E are now under pressure to see God as a gender neutral entity and may have to rewrite the Lords Prayer. Father and pronouns nouns such as He and Her will have to go. I can't see the RC church doing likewise, let alone the Jehovas Witnesses and the Happy Clappers in theirs. Islam would be stoning such reformers for even suggesting it. It will be interesting to stand back and watch the fireworks.
Tickled me when i heard this on the wireless. People discussing whether a fictitious entity is a bloke or a bird.

Couldnt make it up.

Oh hang on … yeah you can
Somapop. Norwich cathedral cost a fortune to build, all the while the local population was struggling to put bread on the table. I seem to remember something about not building false idols, so why was it OK to build the biggest, most expensive, grandest building simply to 'worship' a god. Wouldn't a wooden hut be as good and then the money could pay for food ?
I read about styal mill owner, samuel gregg. He was considered a real forward thinking, modern idea’d mill owner of the day. He would look after his workers pretty well, in comparison to the day. He would have no problem investing in the church , build a new whatever, no probs, he’ll pay. He just wanted the rev to tell the workers at church on a sunday morning that god wanted them to work harder. They were all at it. Using religion to control the masses for his own gain. Like the internet these days.

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