
All religions need chucking in the bin.

It's like a giant lead weight that is holding back the planet.

Superstition = Superstupidity.
As someone who has refound faith, it has been amazing the strenght of prayer on a regular basis. I ve stripped all negative energies away from me and the experience is amazing. It is going nowhere. It is very real you just have to seek God.
As someone who has refound faith, it has been amazing the strenght of prayer on a regular basis. I ve stripped all negative energies away from me and the experience is amazing. It is going nowhere. It is very real you just have to seek God.
I was going to respond with a bit of a brutal put down on religion, but I changed my mind. If it works for you then go for it. It is giving you something that is missing in your life.
What I would say is don't fall into believing that because you have found this calling that others want to hear it. Follow your path, don't drag others along it with you.
Peace out!
I watched Richard Dawkins getting interviewed by piers morgan earlier, and he said to him, (piers to Richard) death of loved ones must be harder for you, because you don't believe in just believe in finality, and when you die you just have some soil shovelled on top of you - I'm paraphrasing, and then I wonder to myself, Dawkins is an old man, (piers ain't youn neither) and you don't get to be old without witnessing death so i dont know how I feel about it.
As someone who has refound faith, it has been amazing the strenght of prayer on a regular basis. I ve stripped all negative energies away from me and the experience is amazing. It is going nowhere. It is very real you just have to seek God.
I did not believe any supernatural stuff. I may have mentioned that. However, if it gives you peace and you don’t want to use it to discriminate, fill your boots.
I watched Richard Dawkins getting interviewed by piers morgan earlier, and he said to him, (piers to Richard) death of loved ones must be harder for you, because you don't believe in just believe in finality, and when you die you just have some soil shovelled on top of you - I'm paraphrasing, and then I wonder to myself, Dawkins is an old man, (piers ain't youn neither) and you don't get to be old without witnessing death so i dont know how I feel about it.
The bottom line is it doesn’t matter what anybody feels about it, it’s just a fact of life. For what it’s worth, here’s how I deal with it. As long as any of my parents children are alive, their children, so are my parents, because we are them. Every mannerism my siblings and kids, grand kids nieces and nephews show that came from my parents reminds me that they are right in the room.

Of course it’s sad when they go, when you lose family, but we all go and for those remaining we carry on. We remember them, we laugh, we sing their songs at family gatherings. As long as we are alive, so are they. My mother lives rent free in my head still, telling me off. She’s my Jiminy Cricket. Only she swears.
The bottom line is it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks about it, it’s just a fact of life. For what it’s worth, here’s how I deal with it. As long as any of my parents children are alive, their children, so are my parents, because we are them. Every mannerism my siblings and kids, grand kids nieces and nephews show that came from my parents reminds me that they are right in the room.

Of course it’s sad when they go, when you lose family, but we all go and for those remaining we carry on. We remember them, we laugh, we sing their songs at family gatherings. As long as we are alive, so are they. My mother lives rent free in my head still, telling me off. She’s my Jiminy Cricket. Only she swears.
So what you're saying is, if you want to kill someone properly, the only way to go is genocide?

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