Belief starts at the point where knowledge ends.
I don't need a God, I even don't know what that would be. Nobody ever has been able to explain to me.
Humans at all times have asked questions about phenomenons they don't understand, as
@Psychedelic Casual has pointed out.
As they didn't have an answer, they have been assuming a higher power. One God, or several.
That has worked well and is quite easy, too.
Nowadays, we can explain most phenomenons quite well without any God. I can.
We know about DNA, about continental drift, climate history, sub-atomic particles and evolution of the universe.
Some points are still unsolved, and that's perfect. Our brain is limited.
All that is going on in our brain. Individually.
Our brain is part of human evolution. Only in the last years we have started to learn about fundamental functions of brain physiology.
Well, more than 99% of humans don't, I assume. It's not being taught at school, not even at regular universities.
Religion only exists in your head.
Belief is important in a man's life. Hope, love, appreciation, fairness are basics of a "good life".
Those basics have developed during human evolution, living in clans of about 50 individuals. That's what we are able to manage. Not more.
That's why we just carry on every day although we know exactly that on the big scale the planet is fucked by our way of life as well as many many humans in other parts of the world. We can see it on youtube whenever we want.
But we don't care, we don't want to. It's outside our small life, our "clan".
Thinking about complex situations takes a lot of energy and our system has a wonderful solution: we ignore.
If you think about it a bit closer, you will find that behaviour nearly everywhere in daily life.
Bottom line it's quite easy:
you can believe in some God or not. It's an individual choice, as it goes on in your own head.
(If only you were not being born into religion: christians, muslims, jews.
They don't even have a choice. It's tradition by force. And not easy to get out at all. Not very peaceful, I think.
If any human could decide about his religion whenever he/she wants, what would be left after 2 generations?)
Believing in God or not doesn't make you good or bad.
That's a different story.
Being an arshole in life is irrespective of nationality, colour, gender, religion, age and yes, even fanbase. CTID.