
religion parts I and II

Stained glass windows keep the cold outside
While the hypocrites hide inside
With the lies of statues in their minds
Where the Christian religion made them blind
Where they hide
And prey to the God of a woman spelled backwards is dog
Not for one race, one creed, one world
But for money
Do you pray to the Holy Ghost when you suck your host
Do you read who's dead in the Irish Post
Do you give away the cash you can't afford
On bended knees and pray to lord
Fat pig priest
Sanctimonious smiles
He takes the money
You take the lies
This is religion and Jesus Christ
This is religion cheaply priced
This is bibles full of libel
This is sin in eternal hymn
This is what they've done
This is your religion
The apostles were eleven
Now there's a sod in Heaven
This is religion
There's a liar on the altar
The sermon never falter
This is religion
Your religion
What are you on about? No one’s talking about the bible, we’re talking about if Jesus was a historical person - the historical census is that he was.
jesus was a common name back in the first century so which one are we on about?? and as far as i'm aware no roman census records the jesus we are talking about, no surviving one that is

what i was on about is if in fact this jesus is just some herbert the romans executed without any pomp and ceremony
then the jesus in the new testament is obviously folly
Good, I’m glad you agree with me and disagree with the three posters arguing otherwise.

But I’m still not sure why you’re replying to me and not them.
i'm not sure what your point is
there were hundreds if not thousands of men named jesus in the first century
and specifically between the pertinent dates upto 33ad
so what!
the actual question is apart from what's contained in the new testament is there any other evidence to support it?
jesus was a common name back in the first century so which one are we on about?? and as far as i'm aware no roman census records the jesus we are talking about, no surviving one that is

what i was on about is if in fact this jesus is just some herbert the romans executed without any pomp and ceremony
then the jesus in the new testament is obviously folly
These are lots of accounts of people called Jesus or Iesous (Greek Ἰησοῦς) or Yeshua (Hebrew ישוע) or derivatives from around that time.

Just some of them include: Yeshua bin Nun, Jesus ben Phiabi, Yehoshua ben Sec, Jesus ben Damneus, Yeshua bin Sirach, Jesus ben Pandira, Jesus ben Ananias, Jesus ben Saphat, Jesus ben Gamala, Jesus bin Thebuth…

Some of them were High Priests of Judaism, some were writers, one was an interpreter, some were teachers and opened schools in Greece and Egypt, one is said to be the first to want to open schools to children from the age of 6, another was said to travel extensively as he was always in fear of his life, one was a ‘trouble maker’, another a ‘wonder worker’, another gave away treasures from the temple and one (Ben Pandira) is claimed in the Talmud to be historical Jesus Christ as we know him who is said to have lived from 106-76BCE.

And there are others. There is a written account of someone called ‘Yeshu the Sorcerer’ who had five disciples and was put to death by the Hasmoneans at Passover in 63BCE.

Another story of someone called Ben Sṭada who accused of bringing magic back from Egypt in cuts in his flesh who was hanged at Passover in a town called Lod (near Tel Aviv today).

Along with all the other deities I mentioned earlier today and all these Jesuses, I think scholars took all of these names and stories and merged them together to create the Jesus story of the Bible.

Jesus the name is an interpretation from our understanding of the Greek word/name Iesous (ησοῦς) which means ‘healer’.
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Good, I’m glad you agree with me and disagree with the three posters arguing otherwise.

But I’m still not sure why you’re replying to me and not them.
I've no beef with your POV. Just replying in general to the thread.

Religion, for all the solace and hope it brings to some people is in some cases essentially a glorified Ponzi scheme.
There is absolutely no conclusive proof Jesus was real. None. If there is, let’s see it. Messages from which god? Horus was 3,000 years BC. Was god testing the water with him and the other dozen with the same story?

Also, no Roman record of him. The Jewish myth was a messiah was coming to kick their arse. According to the deluded, he attracted crowds of thousands, sauntered into Bethlehem on a donkey, the lazy bastard, crowds, palm leaves et al. The Romans where brutal with any potential threat to their Enoure, it’s well documented, but for some reason not a word, no one asked, should we send another Legion just in case? Nothing. It’s all absolute bollocks.

Josephus a Roman wrote nearly a century after and he mentioned Christians, not Christ.

No historical record. A dozen gods with the same story, most predating the tip toeing water acrobat, a bible that states light was switched on the third day. Adam and Eve started humanity through incest, the earth was at the centre of the Universe. The Sun orbited earth. For fuck sake, how can anybody believe anything other than the truth. He was fashioned from other previous gods, who all had to be born of a virgin or they couldn’t be gods.

Don’t get me started on the shit about Moses, Noah and his floating restaurant, that dozy **** who lived in a whale for a week, zombies coming out of graves and cutting about looking for a good coffee, after he snuffed it. A virgin birth. Raising people from the dead. Dying and putting in an appearance so he didn’t miss out on an Easter egg. Floating up to heaven. Satan cutting about and god turning a bling eye. A talking snake, a burning bush, parting seas, god being an enthusiastic genocidal ****, killing babies for being born into the wrong family. And that’s just of the top of my highly intelligent, gloriously fabulously haired head.

It’s a sham.
would be VERY intrested on your views of the Koran..go the same disrespect. Muslims view Jesus as a prophet. So be brave, show the same disrespect.If not why not ???
would be VERY intrested on your views of the Koran..go the same disrespect. Muslims view Jesus as a prophet. So be brave, show the same disrespect.If not why not ???
I only really know one thing about Islam, that they say the Angel Gabriel came to Earth and told some bloke called Muhammad, Allah’s revelations.

There are no such thing as angels so it’s all a myth just like Judaism and Christianity, even if some of the people are historical (and many aren’t, by the way). They should all be called mythologies and not religions. While they are captivating stories, they’re just a load of bollocks really and shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than fables that we learn things from.

That’s probably why not much is said about Islam compared to Judaism and Christianity in this thread by us unbelievers though, not out of fear of a backlash from Muslims, just that none of us know much about the stories in the Qur’an. While everyone knows about the stories in Judaism and Christianity.

That’s not to say that these mythologies aren’t interesting and entertaining.

There are some really good programmes and films around the Bible but I’ve never seen any about the Qur’an. The Nativity Story, The Passion Of The Christ, Mary Magdalene, Risen, the series A.D. The Bible Continues are all really good and I believe the series The Chosen is good n’all but I’ve not seen it. But there aren’t any films about Islam in English that I know about, there are some Iranian made films but I haven’t watched them. I might do at some point to learn about some of their stories, but I’ll still hold the position about Islam that I do the other Abrahamic religions whether I enjoy the films or not.
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