
I was christened Catholic, although my Grandparents had a few fallings out with Priests over the years and stopped going to Mass.

I remember having a few PM conversations over the years with the poster Damocles. Whilst we were initially poles apart the one thing we did agree on was the nature of Jesus' ministry, and how, if you strip back the "miraculous" elements, there remains much that is commendable and fascinating.
I was christened Catholic, although my Grandparents had a few fallings out with Priests over the years and stopped going to Mass.

I remember having a few PM conversations over the years with the poster Damocles. Whilst we were initially poles apart the one thing we did agree on was the nature of Jesus' ministry, and how, if you strip back the "miraculous" elements, there remains much that is commendable and fascinating.
Indeed. I think alot if folks issue with religion is that many of Christians don’t follow what Jebus taught. They quote the Old Testament despite Jesus saying he was the new way. Just look at the MAGA lot in the USofA.
Indeed. I think alot if folks issue with religion is that many of Christians don’t follow what Jebus taught. They quote the Old Testament despite Jesus saying he was the new way. Just look at the MAGA lot in the USofA.
They evangelIcal horrible bastards, are further away from Christ than I am and I don’t believe he exists.
They evangelIcal horrible bastards, are further away from Christ than I am and I don’t believe he exists.
I live my life, unintentionally, closer to what are considered Jesus teachings than any Christian I know. It can be boiled down to just not being a **** to others. Jacob Rees mog take note.
I live my life, unintentionally, closer to what are considered Jesus teachings than any Christian I know. It can be boiled down to just not being a **** to others. Jacob Rees mog take note.
Me too. They all either hate another religion, gay people, both, and happily worship a **** who will burn people alive forever.
Ok. Yeshua Ben Yoseph

There’s no J in the Welsh language either and they are all called Jones. Maybe they are a lost tribe of Israel. Hmmm
This takes me back to my juvenile schooling. I innocently asked the RE teacher if Jesus was from Yorkshire. The teacher looked blank and asked me why I thought he was. I said it's because of all the thee's thy's and thou's in the bible. Even today in parts of the West Riding they still talk like that. Needless to say I got a black mark for my question.
I live my life, unintentionally, closer to what are considered Jesus teachings than any Christian I know. It can be boiled down to just not being a **** to others. Jacob Rees mog take note.
You can be a **** to others all the time and still be a cut above those cunts.
Jesus was called Yeshua, as best we can guess, on the track that he existed at all, which is at least fairly probable.

Jesus is a translation from the Greek translation of that original Aramaic name. Joshua would've been a better English translation, I think.
Ever played Chinese whispers?
Oneupmanship is the underlying aspect of every god.

What could that good do?

Miracles, so can ours. Practically one a week unless he was in the desert contemplating and being recorded even though he was alone.

Virgin birth? Got it and three Kings turned up. Don’t know where they were kings, it was all very mysterious, but they had lovely clobber.

Followers and disciples? We’ve got 12 like the others but add in Mary Mag and his mother.

Persecuted? We are nailing him to a cross and making him drink vinegar, beat that!

Died and came back? Yes, we have a few various conflicting accounts in the same book. Take your pick which version suits your world view.

Miracles? Where do we start, casting out demons, to curing blindness then bringing back people from the dead. Oh and he makes wine from water. Also, can yours feed thousands with a few sardines and half a stale loaf? No, hold my margarine.

Ascends to heaven? Floated up there like a boss.

Muslims, our guy went on a winged horse.

Take already established Myths, steal the pagan holidays and add in other stuff that edges your guy in front. Never worry about credibility because people who want to believe don’t give a shit about that. They’re all in.

And on it goes.
12 in Religion:

The number twelve carries religious, mythological and magical symbolism, generally representing perfection, entirety, or cosmic order in traditions since antiquity.

Ancient Greek religion​

Judaism and Christianity​

  • The significance is especially pronounced in the Hebrew Bible.
Ishmael - the first-born son of Abraham - has 12 sons/princes (Genesis 25:16), and Jacob also has 12 sons, who are the progenitors of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. This is reflected in Christian tradition, notably in the twelve Apostles. When Judas Iscariot is disgraced, a meeting is held (Acts) to add Saint Matthias to complete the number twelve once more. The Book of Revelation contains much numerical symbolism, and many of the numbers mentioned have 12 as a divisor. 12:1 mentions a woman—interpreted as the people of Israel, the Church and the Virgin Mary—wearing a crown of twelve stars (representing each of the twelve tribes of Israel). Furthermore, there are 12,000 people sealed from each of the twelve tribes of Israel (the Tribe of Dan is omitted while Manasseh is mentioned), making a total of 144,000 (which is the square of 12 multiplied by a thousand).


  • There are twelve Jyotirlinga (Self-formed Lingas) of Lord Shiva in Hindu temples across India according to the Shaiva tradition.
  • The Sun god Surya has 12 names.
  • The Monkey god Hanuman has 12 names.
  • There are 12 Petals in Anahata or "heart chakra".
  • There are frequently said to be 12 Âdityas.


  • The chief Norse god, Odin, has twelve sons.
  • In the King Arthur legend, Arthur is said to subdue 12 rebel princes and to win 12 great battles against Saxon invaders.
  • In Twelver Shi'a Islam, there are twelve Imams, legitimate successors of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. These twelve early leaders of Islam are—Ali, Hasan, Husayn, and nine of Husayn's descendants. Sura 12 in the Quran is sura Yusuf, narrating the story of the sons of Jacob.
  • The tribe who Muslims claim their lineage to Abraham came from were the Ishmaelites. Ishmael was Abraham’s first son who he sent off with his mistress into the desert and they headed South to Arabia. Ishmael is said to have had 12 sons.

Why 12?

Through a calendar year from one Winter Solstice to the next, there are 12 constellations:

There are also 12 Moon phases in a year:

In the ancient world, 12 was also used in counting on your fingers.


One finger wasn’t one like we use today, it was three. They counted by using their thumb as a pointer and counted the sections of each finger.

The reason there are 12 Olympians, 12 Apostles, 12 points on the Anahata, 12 months in a year, 12 hours in a meridiem, 12 pennies in a shilling etc. are all because of celestial and physical natural occurrences.

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