
am i missing something here bobby, the whole point of the new testament is that he is the son of god
ala john 8-58
mark 14-61/62
Matthew opens with saying this is Jesus lineage. Then lists names of kings down to Joseph, implying that he’s Josephs son. Then says Mary was a virgin. So he’s either Joseph’s son or he’s he’s not. It’s hardly the best way to open the Gospel.

Matthew opens with saying this is Jesus lineage. Then lists names of kings down to Joseph, implying that he’s Josephs son. Then says Mary was a virgin. So he’s either Joseph’s son or he’s he’s not. It’s hardly the best way to open the Gospel.
its all a bit moot though because mark is known to be the first to be written and matthew and luke plagarise from mark to create theirs
but mark has no lineage in or even a birth story, so these are additions from matthew and luke(or whoever they maybe as we don't actually know)
its all a bit moot though because mark is known to be the first to be written and matthew and luke plagarise from mark to create theirs
but mark has no lineage in or even a birth story, so these are additions from matthew and luke(or whoever they maybe as we don't actually know)
I don’t disagree. Unfortunately we live in a world where folk take the book literally with consequences for us all.
Tbf if you'd turned water into wine, cured some **** of leprosy or been crucified last week I bet you'd remember it

I can turn wine into piss. Does that count?

I don’t disagree. Unfortunately we live in a world where folk take the book literally with consequences for us all.
"Ahh, what's so special about the cheesemakers?

Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products".
its all a bit moot though because mark is known to be the first to be written ...
Not according to this book:


Robinson thinks that the 4th gospel included information gleaned from an independent eyewitness source whose knowledge of Jerusalem has subsequently been shown to be reliable by archaeologists.

Of course, that in itself is not sufficient to demonstrate that John preceded Mark, and unfortunately I can't recall how Robinson builds his case for that, or whether he thinks of the gospel as being the handiwork of one author (which seems highly implausible), as it is now more than 30 years since I was alerted to this publication and I never got around to reading it.

But I still have it and might have a go at it at some point. The synoptic problem and the quest for the historical Jesus can be fascinating even if, like me, you don't believe in the God of classical theism.

The thing that amazes me is how some Christians consider the Bible to be a piece of dictation from God, as evangelicals and fundamentalists do, as this is surely the equivalent of believing that the earth is flat.
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