Relocating Season Ticket - We've regressed - Whats going on?!

Piss poor as expected. We still haven't even Been told the renwewal prices in joes yet. Every time we try to get the prices they tell us to wait for a letter. So no doubt this letter (which has been coming for the past 3 weeks) will turn up after the renewals and leave us stuck with the expensive seats.

Also how do they expect people to relocate over the phone or at the store over 2 days when they work.
I'm not blaming the staff but whoever is in charge of the City ticket office needs binning without delay. There has been several lash ups this season (Real Madrid being the worse) and yet another miserable failure today with relocations.
I get on the phone at 9.30 am position 420 in the queue and lose my mobile signal 45 minutes later. Back on the phone in the afternoon for 3 hrs 47 minutes and reached position 4 at 6.15pm before hearing a message that "there has been a technical fault please try later."
I know the office is meant to close at 5.30pm but surely you have enough staff to treat loyal supporters (season ticket holders) better than this. WTF is going on in that ticket office, it needs sorting because this is seriously not good enough.
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Does anyone know how to view an individual seat online?

I know that when you purchase an individual match ticket it will give you a stadium plan with all of the available individual seats. I was wondering if there was a link available to get onto that.
Only my 2nd post on Bluemoon but absolutely furious with City over this. I've been on the phone for 6 hours to try and move just 1 seat a few rows further forward in SS3 to be told there is literally nothing available at all. The message over the phone I heard about a million times definitely didn't reflect this, maybe updated if you rang up later but I've been on the phone since 10.30 am.

I appreciate its limited availability, but to wait 6 hours to get this info from a pretty rude staff member is gutting.
The message was exactly the same when i got cut off after 3 hrs and 47 minutes queueing at 6.15pm With the technology available today, how can the richest club in the world be so hopeless when it comes to servicing their own loyal supporters (season ticket holders) It is truely pathetic !
I'm not blaming the staff but whoever is in charge of the City ticket office needs binning without delay. Their have been several lash ups this season (Real Madrid being the worse) and yet another miserable failure today with relocations.
I get on the phone at 9.30 am position 420 in the queue and lose my mobile signal 45 minutes later. Back on the phone in the afternoon for 3 hrs 47 minutes and reached position 4 at 6.15pm before hearing a message that "there has been a technical fault please try later."
I know the office is meant to close at 5.30pm but surely you have enough staff to treat loyal supporters (season ticket holders) better than this. WTF is going on in that ticket office, it needs sorting because this is seriously not good enough.
What makes it worse is that it was totally predictable. I can't imagine that most people have a spare 6 hours to hang on the phone. It's absolutely ridiculous.

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