Relocating Season Ticket - We've regressed - Whats going on?!

It took about an hour and a half this afternoon. I had to use a desk phone so I've a sore hand and a sore ear. However, a nice enough seat in 211 will do. Row D. City must move it to online next season. Does anyone know whether other clubs offer this?
Does anyone know why for the life of Joey Holt did the club scrap the online relocation that worked so well last year? Shirley if something works why change. Online ticketing is now. It's worked great for semi and cup finals when managed right. Crap when not...Madrid. It just seems to me that there is some fooker at the club that just cannot let go of 'Typical City'.
Hi, As stater of the thread I will interpret customer services explanation they gave me as to why there are no online relocations. Put simply, they say they have no mechanism to link the relocated seats to a credit or debit system. This time last year they ran the relocation scheme before payments had been made and as they had just built SS3 they had lots of availability to swap into.

So this year you would only have the non renewal ST holders to offer for swaps which in fairness isn't as big a figure as last year. However they've had 365 days to pay some web designers to link the system to a financial system. They could have even covered their costs by saying there's an admin fee to relocate online. How many hours would have been saved...?

The reality is you've paid an enormous cost in collective phone calls and this whole pantomime needs to be put right by next season. Complain, protest, tell everyone. The only thing you can't do is change your team especially if you've been going like me since the age of 8 and now are mid 40's.

MCFCs Official Reply.

Thank you for your reply.

Prior to Seasoncard renewals there is very little availability to relocate in to. Due to this we allow current Seasoncard holders to renew or not renew their seat for the upcoming season.

We then release the seats of the supporters who have not renewed thereby widening the availability for supporters to relocate in to.

I hope this helps.

If you have any further questions or queries do not hesitate to contact Supporter Services.

Kind Regards

Supporter Services
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