Repercussions - From the PL, FA, UEFA and within the Club

City were the most reluctant members, the last in and, mercifully, the first out. The refusal of Bayern (who have managed to stitch up the Bundesliga nicely already) and PSG (who would not wish to put the 2022 world cup in jeopardy) was always a potentially fatal weakness and when City pulled out with Chelsea obviously to follow the whole scheme was dead. Fans - certainly not customers - can feel proud of the role they played to protect the game they love, but beware because there is still much that must be done.

It is important to ask if this was a victory for fans, who exactly was defeated. "The ESL" has vowed to continue working for a new competition to replace the CL so it appears the threat is still there, though we have no idea exactly who the ESL is now. Ceferin issued statements welcoming the former breakaway clubs back "to move on, rebuild the unity that the game enjoyed before and move forward together." This is drivel and shows that he is still living in the higher reaches of cloud cuckoo land. In no way was this a victory for UEFA. In fact, English fans with no reason at all to feel any generosity towards UEFA saved their bacon as an indirect consequence of defending the integrity of our weekend game. City, the club, were forced into the ESL because of UEFA's endless war against the club, because we had never been the valued member of UEFA Ceferin claimed in his message of thanks to the club. But he'd better learn now and quick. When City and Chelsea pulled out the Glazers, Henry and Kroenke followed the instincts of their species and deserted the sinking ship. But they are still there, the power across the water, and their mignons are still well placed to work within UEFA to mould European competition to their liking or replace it, whichever suits them better. And the bosom buddy, Agnelli, is still at the ECA to hatch his sordid plots. Ceferin had better see who the enemy is and rather than ban players and managers, whose public opposition to the ESL was positively heroic, from competitions he should weed out the influence of these American carpet baggers from anywhere near UEFA. Why has UEFA given in to them all along the line for at least 15 years? And that goes for the PL. We have seen that these three clubs are not motivated by any concern for football, but we have also seen that there is no need to give in to them. They can secede from the PL but have nowhere else to go. Gill, Woodward, Agnelli and all the rest should be shown the door. And that media star on the Mersey should be told that his computer hacking, money laundering days are over and if he doesn't like it he knows what he can do. And then UEFA and the PL can start considering the real needs of football and govern accordingly.
Even have been spending like there's no tomorrow for four years - got them nowhere.
Money isn't the problem as long as it goes back into the sport. The Glazers' business model is a disgrace. Their shopping mall business has essentially collapsed so their only source of income is MUFC (and Tampa Bay Bucs). They borrowed huge amounts against the value of MUFC and have been taking money out for themselves since while re-investing the minimum amount back in. They have done virtually nothing significant for the local community in Gtr Manchester and allowed the infrastructure at United to crumble.
That business model should be illegal. It's a bit like the Kray Twins "long-firm-fraud" tactics which is precisely what happened at Bury FC. The pattern is borrow cash with no personal risk, invest the bare minimum you can get away with, take as much cash for yourself, then sell up and get as far away as possible. And don't forget to pay no tax by hiding your true accounts in a Cayman Island bank.
I thought the CAS case was the messiest saga we'd ever face, this might just top it. When the dust settles and the ESL disbands officially, we could be facing sanctions along with the 12 that signed up. Would you agree this could be likely?

Points deduction from league
Suspended season from CL

Now for the more difficult conversation - should someone be held to account in our club - I assume Khaldoon is the man that will be in the firing line. Should he step aside?

Won't be any suspensions or points deduction.

Possibly a fine.
I think the silence from the club as been deafening. It shows a total disregard to our manager our team and our fans. A message to our owners GIVE US OUR CLUB BACK AND GO

They’ve already given us our club back in 2008. Debt free & full of ambition.

must make you sick when you compare them with other owners - especially yours
I really don't think this is all finished, far from it. The yank owners will be smarting about this, a feeble apology which they don't mean says it all. They will keep on pushing for this until they get their way, I only hope City never ever think about joining again

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