Report: Manchester United On The Verge Of £1b Buyout

ManCityFC said:
BeatingBarca said:
Mate, you're kidding yourself here.Some of the stuff re:The Rags, on here is embarrassing.'Nobody is going to buy United' - have a word with yourself mate, it's childish as fuck.I hate to say this, but they're the biggest supported club in world football, have a long world renowned history for winning trophies, have had some of the worlds greatest players, are currently on the back of 3 straight PL title wins, a European cup etc and you've got them down as shit, washed up etc.They've had bids that the Glazers have previously turned down haven't they?And you think nobody ou there wants to own them?

I bet you really thought that a billionaire would come in for us, who'd won what in how many years and are little known world wide.They need £200m spent on their squad?What are you on mate?We've spent that and they're still sitting on top of us ffs.

I'm new to this place, but some of the posts are just embarrassing.

And who'd have thought that a billionaire would come in for us!I bet you knew.

The point he is making mate, is that they are not worth 1bn by any stretch of the imagination. No business consortium is going to pay that. It's throwing money down the drain. They would never make a return on it. So if the valuation is so pie in the sky, then the whole fucking article probably is too.

He is right with what he says, if a consortium can pull together 1bn then it makes more sense to buy another well supported club, like the barcodes or the bin dippers, then throw 3 or 400 million at it and do it that way. They won't even be able to sell the club on in the future for a profit, if they threw 1 bn at it. It makes no sense at all. Even if you argue that the rags have a instant worldwide appeal, you could now say the same for Chelsea, whom were a relatively small club that had a relatively small amount of money thrown at it.

Has anyone thought that these people are a Chinese led consortium? How many people in China? How many Rag 'fans?They've got a huge following in Asia.

If these fuckers get hold of United, and then grab individual tv rights for China and Asia.....they can negotiate any price they want.And we all know (those who aren't totally blinkered anyway) how big those cunts are over there.So, TV rights, more shirt sales after a re-investment in an already top notch side and............? And does anyone think that this consortium would plan a huge bid without KNOWING there's much to be gained?The Glazers (Yay!) thought about the profit and seemed to be doing ok until the global meltdown, these fuckers are coming in after and KNOW they've got a plan.

Thats my worry.
Let them buy the scum the only person who has won all those trophies for em is taggert and he only comes around once every 50 years when he goes they are fucked even with all the money in the world.
BeatingBarca said:
Has anyone thought that these people are a Chinese led consortium? How many people in China? How many Rag 'fans?They've got a huge following in Asia.

If these fuckers get hold of United, and then grab individual tv rights for China and Asia.....they can negotiate any price they want.And we all know (those who aren't totally blinkered anyway) how big those ***** are over there.So, TV rights, more shirt sales after a re-investment in an already top notch side and............? And does anyone think that this consortium would plan a huge bid without KNOWING there's much to be gained?The Glazers (Yay!) thought about the profit and seemed to be doing ok until the global meltdown, these fuckers are coming in after and KNOW they've got a plan.

Thats my worry.

You're wrong about this one. United ARE NOT allowed to negotiate their own TV rights from Premiership games. The league was founded over this very issue.

Even IF they broke the rules, are you telling me that rights for the United matches would go for more than $500m which is what the rights for the whole league were sold for last year? Even if they got $100m a year (which they won't), these guys would still need over 10 years to ever see a profit.

This is a dumb argument. I'm throwing business figures at you and you are throwing, BUt THEY AREZ A MASZSIVE XCLUB LOLZ!!"

You're also giving yourself away as a rag, as looking through your posts, you seem to praise United and slag City at every opportunity, but whatever.
Damocles said:
BeatingBarca said:
Has anyone thought that these people are a Chinese led consortium? How many people in China? How many Rag 'fans?They've got a huge following in Asia.

If these fuckers get hold of United, and then grab individual tv rights for China and Asia.....they can negotiate any price they want.And we all know (those who aren't totally blinkered anyway) how big those ***** are over there.So, TV rights, more shirt sales after a re-investment in an already top notch side and............? And does anyone think that this consortium would plan a huge bid without KNOWING there's much to be gained?The Glazers (Yay!) thought about the profit and seemed to be doing ok until the global meltdown, these fuckers are coming in after and KNOW they've got a plan.

Thats my worry.

You're wrong about this one. United ARE NOT allowed to negotiate their own TV rights from Premiership games. The league was founded over this very issue.

Even IF they broke the rules, are you telling me that rights for the United matches would go for more than $500m which is what the rights for the whole league were sold for last year? Even if they got $100m a year (which they won't), these guys would still need over 10 years to ever see a profit.

This is a dumb argument. I'm throwing business figures at you and you are throwing, BUt THEY AREZ A MASZSIVE XCLUB LOLZ!!"

You're also giving yourself away as a rag, as looking through your posts, you seem to praise United and slag City at every opportunity, but whatever.

I think youve sussed him mate
this arguing on this thread isn't necessary and doesn't matter, and here are a few reasons why:-

1) who buys football clubs to make money?

(except complete and utter morons - read 'the Glazers' and some other Americans across on the Mersey, and look where they are now. Only Toxin lucked out and not through his financial acumen or genius hand at the helm, but simply because a bigger fish swallowed him up)

2) most football club purchases these days are probably motivated as much by prestige as anything else, and the owners often throw their own money down the drain (and know it, and can afford it) for the love of the game

3) anyone with money can use it to buy anything they want, no matter how overpriced or ridiculous it may seem to outsiders

4) so what if ManUre are bought or sold? who gives a shit? (literally!)

5) I also don't care about what any other team's bank balances are, including ManUre's

(although I will 'fess up to laughing at seeing them in such deep doo-dooo over their finances. No one, no matter how much cash in the bank they've got, including us, can buy every player, and neither can they guarantee buying success; I hope, so long as the game is played straight and nothing underhand is going on)

I'm just looking at what's happening on the pitch, and am grateful at least at City we're not about to head into administration. Since when did we all start turning into envious green-eyed monsters?
MCFCinUSA said:
this arguing on this thread isn't necessary and doesn't matter, and here are a few reasons why:-

1) who buys football clubs to make money?

(except complete and utter morons - read 'the Glazers' and some other Americans across on the Mersey, and look where they are now. Only Toxin lucked out and not through his financial acumen or genius hand at the helm, but simply because a bigger fish swallowed him up)

Everybody apart from the Sheiks.

The owners of nearly every Premier League club strive to make the highest profits available, and most of them do. Look up Delotte's list.

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