Report: Manchester United On The Verge Of £1b Buyout

Ricster said:
Dubai Blue said:
We seem fairly happy to be in the exact same situation that you describe above.

We aren't in the same situation though. We didn't have a huge debt, we dont have a stadium that cant be expanded anymore, we have land close to the stadium believed to have been bought buy our owner etc. Im pretty sure if Mansour was to sell today, he'd recoup his money. I cant see that happening across into Salford.
So we're not just a play thing being used to advance the Abu Dhabi brand?

I think you'll find we are. And it really doesn't bother me one bit. In fact, I'm loving it.

And I'm equally as sure that Sheikh Mansour wouldn't recoup his money were he to sell the club today. In fact, I doubt he'd even get close.
Damocles said:
MCFCinUSA said:
this arguing on this thread isn't necessary and doesn't matter, and here are a few reasons why:-

1) who buys football clubs to make money?

(except complete and utter morons - read 'the Glazers' and some other Americans across on the Mersey, and look where they are now. Only Toxin lucked out and not through his financial acumen or genius hand at the helm, but simply because a bigger fish swallowed him up)

Everybody apart from the Sheiks.

The owners of nearly every Premier League club strive to make the highest profits available, and most of them do. Look up Delotte's list.

Damo, who has recently bought a club to make money and has done? The economics of buying a premier league football team to turn a profit with it are senseless if you consider what's happening within the game and what clubs are actually making money and where they're sitting in the table (and I've not picked through Deloittes' list because that isn't even necessary)

- and I know Levy is trying to sell Spurs and make a profit but their crappy form in recent seasons has prevented him from so doing, but this is exactly what's going on.. it's just a crapshoot like buying a painting and hoping that inflation is just going to drive it up through the subjectivity of the market because there is very little in most of these clubs that's underpinning very much, which is why so many of them are shoddy 'investments'; the economics of football are upside down, pretty much most of the time.
I agree that the economics of football are shaky, but let's examine our club for a moment.

We're caught in a bit of a loop, as we owe MCC a percentage of gate reciepts of anything over 33(?) thousand. If we forget this for argument sake though:

ADUG bought us for £200m.
Let's say they spend £400m on players and £50m on the stadium.
We've heard the stories of the Sheik putting all wage money in a bank account when purchasing, but forget that for a min and say that our operating loss is around £20m a year net.

For a spend of £700m, they could have one of the world's biggest brands, if we match their investment on the pitch.

Merchandising and the like of, a raise in the fanbase, the inevitable rise in ticket prices (and the stadium is larger), prize money and TV money from the CL, they could quite conceivably turn a profit by 2020. There's no reason why we can't make £50m a year net.

Obviously, the figures may not be spot on, and I'm certainly not suggesting that ADUG bought us to make a large profit, but the financial motivation is there if you squint your eyes and stand on your head.

Football clubs are majorly high risk investments though, and as you said the economics of football are fucked.
the economics scarcely come into it for a certain category of prospective purchaser. it would be the ultimate vanity purchase, like owning a sodding country. you are buying 'glorious history' *spit*. what do you buy the man who has everything? the 'most loved' football club in the world, the rights to the memory of best in porto, etc etc. a 'friendly' worldwide brand akin to sodding disney.
The lot over the road are In a bit of a catch 22, or at least the Glazers are. They need to sell for plus 900 million minimum, due to the debt and the fact they will want to make out of any deal. They could sell for the sub total of the debt and walk away. NO CHANCE! They could however encourage Investment from private sources and release some of the shares, or at least Instruct the banks to do so, given the funds coming In. It's a mess for sure. Could be a lot of Chiefs running around the corridors of power before long and that would be very unsettling (shame). It will be Interesting to see what happens when these PIKs and loan deals against the club end, and they have to start paying back the Capital.
My guess Is the banks would love to step In, take control and move the club on for a bit of a profit. Who knows Alistar Darling could be on the board before long.
Were so bloody lucky to be where we are........ I cant tell you.
The rags fans were against the club being saddled with this huge debt and the reasons for that concern were well founded. Man Utd are not Imune from going under..look at the banks that have sunk without a trace!!
MCFCinUSA said:
this arguing on this thread isn't necessary and doesn't matter, and here are a few reasons why:-

1) who buys football clubs to make money?

(except complete and utter morons - read 'the Glazers' and some other Americans across on the Mersey, and look where they are now. Only Toxin lucked out and not through his financial acumen or genius hand at the helm, but simply because a bigger fish swallowed him up)

2) most football club purchases these days are probably motivated as much by prestige as anything else, and the owners often throw their own money down the drain (and know it, and can afford it) for the love of the game

3) anyone with money can use it to buy anything they want, no matter how overpriced or ridiculous it may seem to outsiders

4) so what if ManUre are bought or sold? who gives a shit? (literally!)

5) I also don't care about what any other team's bank balances are, including ManUre's

(although I will 'fess up to laughing at seeing them in such deep doo-dooo over their finances. No one, no matter how much cash in the bank they've got, including us, can buy every player, and neither can they guarantee buying success; I hope, so long as the game is played straight and nothing underhand is going on)

I'm just looking at what's happening on the pitch, and am grateful at least at City we're not about to head into administration. Since when did we all start turning into envious green-eyed monsters?

Ive been one for many years mate, jealous as fuck of the success that our so called big4 have had.
I want some..........and soon!
Massive 'Prediction that will be bumped to do the whole I told you so thing, or ignored and never referred to again' Time

I've been thinking about United since that last post and there is only one way forward. The Glazers will try their luck for a couple more years, making steady money and then they will re-float the club as a PLC, rake in some capital and clear their debts.

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