Respect for other City fans.

i've been working in the streets of places like Bangor , Llandudno , Leeds , Lancaster , Carlisle , Ayr , and Shrewsbury , and had City fans come up and chat to me ..... because they'd spotted the city mini-kit hanging in my van window!
as i come from donny, i tend to know most blues here as there aint many in donny. well i do know about 20, anyway in bank 1 sat morning i see a city top and as i dont or seen this lad i started to talk and he was a s/t holder, then went to a supermarket and saw another lass with a city top on and i started talking to her. so over here in donny the good blue side is getting bigger<br /><br />-- Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:09 pm --<br /><br />
skysrblue said:
i wish 'real mancs' would show more respect for fans who dont come from manchester, yes we was there when we was shite. essex blue.

i am a yorkshire blue, and im proud to be a yorkshire lad, but still proud to be a blue and allways will be, oh and i was there when we was shit. in fact 40yrs and im still here
Afew years ago, my mate and his three kids came over for a few weeks on holiday. We were on the highway going right through downtown Toronto (Gardner expressway) when we spotted a big honking moving truck with a huge City crest on the back and sides and the name "Maine line movers".
Never seen it before. Then about a year later the same truck drove down a road I was working on. I dropped my tool belt and went to leg it after the truck, but it was long gone down the street. The lads I was working with just didn't get it. I just wanted to tell the owner of the company that he had made our day a year earlier. I haven't seen it since.
snipes62 said:
City fan for 40yrs born in london proud to be a cockney but prouder to be a blue. When i go holiday i wear the shirt with pride and i believe i have every right to support city sadly seems to be a regular occurance now to be slagged off at games by some so called city fans, Majority of blues are great why have we got fans who believe only people from manchester can support city. I no the frustration of them down the road and being supported by cockneys pisses people off but thats what a global club has people all over the country and the world supporting them. To me anybody who supports city is alright with me lets get the monkey offf our backs of them lot down the road and embrace all city fans CTID

Tin hat is on
As far as I'm concerned you can take the tin hat off mate, our goal is to be the biggest and best supported club in the world, we can't do it with just manc supporters.
malg said:
der bomber28 said:
I had the ultimate encounter a few years ago in newark airport, making my way to sit down at our gate a guy a few seats away said "nice shirt mate" (I had the old round badge in the middle colin bell shirt on) it was only feckin johnny marr. To say I was made up was an understatement, anyway we chatted for a good hour about all things city(and music of course) one of the soundest guys I've ever met. Even when I said I'll get off and leave him in peace he said "no don't be daft it's a pleasure mate and plus I'm bored out my skull here" turned out he'd been playing with some american band cant remember the bloody name now though. Asked if I could have a photo as my mates would never believe my story of meeting a Manchester music legend otherwise(which he seemed quite humble about) and he duly obliged. Anyway here's the proof.

Top, top story, you jammy bastard - getting to talk to Johnny Marr about football and music. I am officially jealous....

Haha it was amazing mate, he looked genuinely chuffed when I told him I grew up around the smiths music(my mam was a huge fan) Told him one of the best gigs of my life was the first manchester v cancer gig, and hearing him and andy rourke play there is a light(my favourite smiths song) and actually getting to hear it live for the first time in my life, his answer. "Ah cheers mate means a lot that" feckin legend.
A few years ago took the family to Florida , stayed at our hotel on Internation Drive , we noticed the young lad cleaning the pool had a City shirt on. "Hello mate, where you get your shirt from"? thinking he was a yank, "Maine Road, where dyer think"? in a big Manc accent! Spreading the word even then!
Whenever we travel outside europe we always take our city shirts then give them away on the last day to the locals who by then are devout Blues!
My brother, S/T Holder, is a traffic copper. A couple of years ago he stopped a speeder on the M62. Just about to write the ticket and saw the City keyring on the blokes car keys. They had a chat about the blues for about 20 mins and the driver was let off.
BlueMentalNurse said:
I wait outside a row of shops for my lift to work of a morning. Bloke pulls up in his car and goes into the paper shop at a similar time usually wearing a city bobble hat. I never let on as I'm quite a shy lass at heart but one morning after a win I plucked up the courage to say something, can't remember what it was but it was something along the lines of "Great game, we're doing well." Bloke looks at me and says "How did you know I was a City fan." Only then did I realise he wasn't wearing his hat that morning and I looked like a deranged stalker.
That my lady had me nodding. Top one. Hope you told him you'd previously clocked the hat?


Just stuttered that he normally had a hat on. He just nodded and smiled and went back to his car. People aren't so friendly down south unfortunately.

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