respect the ref?

Last night was a European blip so no point IMO about getting too caught up with it. What I think it highliights though is the state of the game in England.
1. The Respect the Ref campaign has not worked. I think the behaviour of the players last night was shocking and deserves some punishment. The respect the ref campaign was brought in largely because of the disrespect that the top 4 show them week in week out and it has little impact on them. I'd like to see what the FA would do if Stoke, Hull or ourselves acted up as bad as the top 4 do. The book would be thrown a those teams but somehow it's only passion when it's he top sides. Bollox!
2. The game is crying out for a TV Official, miked up refs and some means to make refs accountable for decisions (even if they are only human error). IMO the biggest obstacle of this is that the authorities would lose their "grey area". Take the SWP banning as n example. The ref lied and said he didn't see SWP's raisd leg so the FA had to step in and ban him. The ref then saw Ronaldo's incident so nothing happens. We all know this is "corrupt" but the authorities want to keep this so they can control the game as they wish. TVs and refs with voices would make that so much harder.
3. The standard of referring in general is crap. Forget last night. Personally I thought he was okish - some errors but mostly fair. Instead consider the standard week in week out in England. It's dire. I've said for years that bringing down Vassell and bringing down Rooney in the premier league referee's mind are very different. Rooney may score so it's a yellow. Vassell would have fallen over anyway so it may not even bee a foul. It's the same in the opposite way with Robinho and say Anelka. Robinho is too lightweight so no foul but Anelka would only fall over if it was really bad so yellow. So it's not quite corrupt but it's biased. This is just one slice of it though. Each week there are shocking examples of poor referring. Beyond he TVs, mikes, etc they themselves need to figure out how they can become more consistent.

Overall the game in England needs fixing and I hope last night just highlighted some things that'll help. From a City perspective I hope any change come soon because if we get anywhere near close enough to challenge the top you'll see some strange refereeing and FA decisions then it'll be murder compared to last night.
Richard said:
Listening to 606 last night and one suggestion made was to put microphones on the refs so that everybody can hear what the players say, and the referee so he can justify his decision. As soon as a player realises that he could loose sponsership etc for constant swearing at the referee then he will stop. Shame the bastards.

What about shaming the ref?

Did he explain or attempt to explain his decision's last night? Did he fuck, he was nothing short of arrogant, and if any official refuse's to speak to a player or the captain, its bound to get people's/players backs up.

He could have defused the situation but chose to run off, quite arrogantly, and ignore players.
Ricster said:
Richard said:
Listening to 606 last night and one suggestion made was to put microphones on the refs so that everybody can hear what the players say, and the referee so he can justify his decision. As soon as a player realises that he could loose sponsership etc for constant swearing at the referee then he will stop. Shame the bastards.

What about shaming the ref?

Did he explain or attempt to explain his decision's last night? Did he fuck, he was nothing short of arrogant, and if any official refuse's to speak to a player or the captain, its bound to get people's/players backs up.

He could have defused the situation but chose to run off, quite arrogantly, and ignore players.

he ran off because he feared for his safety. Irregardless of decisions no ref should have to put up with that shite.

There was no conpiracy, sometimes decisions go against you, deal with it. Chelsea had plenty of chances to kill the game off when Abidal was blatantly sent off in the wrong!!

He was poor, but for both teams.

the only disgrace last night was the carry on out of Chelsea players.

I'd be ashamed if any City players carried on like that.
sdavros said:
Ricster said:
Richard said:
Listening to 606 last night and one suggestion made was to put microphones on the refs so that everybody can hear what the players say, and the referee so he can justify his decision. As soon as a player realises that he could loose sponsership etc for constant swearing at the referee then he will stop. Shame the bastards.

What about shaming the ref?

Did he explain or attempt to explain his decision's last night? Did he fuck, he was nothing short of arrogant, and if any official refuse's to speak to a player or the captain, its bound to get people's/players backs up.

He could have defused the situation but chose to run off, quite arrogantly, and ignore players.

he ran off because he feared for his safety. Irregardless of decisions no ref should have to put up with that shite.

There was no conpiracy, sometimes decisions go against you, deal with it. Chelsea had plenty of chances to kill the game off when Abidal was blatantly sent off in the wrong!!

He was poor, but for both teams.

the only disgrace last night was the carry on out of Chelsea players.

I'd be ashamed if any City players carried on like that.

Watch the replay again, the ref runs off quite arrogantly before there is any show of aggresion by a Chelsea player.
Probably the second ref that Chelsea are going to force to retire after Anders Frisk, one of the best refs of this decade, decide to retire after death threats to his family when he sent Drogba off a couple of seasons ago.
Ricster said:
sdavros said:
Ricster said:
Richard said:
Listening to 606 last night and one suggestion made was to put microphones on the refs so that everybody can hear what the players say, and the referee so he can justify his decision. As soon as a player realises that he could loose sponsership etc for constant swearing at the referee then he will stop. Shame the bastards.

What about shaming the ref?

Did he explain or attempt to explain his decision's last night? Did he fuck, he was nothing short of arrogant, and if any official refuse's to speak to a player or the captain, its bound to get people's/players backs up.

He could have defused the situation but chose to run off, quite arrogantly, and ignore players.

he ran off because he feared for his safety. Irregardless of decisions no ref should have to put up with that shite.

There was no conpiracy, sometimes decisions go against you, deal with it. Chelsea had plenty of chances to kill the game off when Abidal was blatantly sent off in the wrong!!

He was poor, but for both teams.

the only disgrace last night was the carry on out of Chelsea players.

I'd be ashamed if any City players carried on like that.

Watch the replay again, the ref runs off quite arrogantly before there is any show of aggresion by a Chelsea player.

it started with Ballack chasing him before the final whistle.. then he was standing there for about 5 minutes taking shite from Terry (aggressively), then Drogba came onto the field (aggressively). He was well within his rights to fuck off arrogantly.

These cnuts are role models for young kids. It's a disgrace they way they carried on
Ricster said:
Its a disgrace that Uefa chose an icompitant bald bastard to referee a game the way Uefa wanted it refereed!

haha. Beware of the aliens that the government has planted in your back yard. They should be ripe soon.
TonyM said:
Last night was a European blip so no point IMO about getting too caught up with it. What I think it highliights though is the state of the game in England.
1. The Respect the Ref campaign has not worked. I think the behaviour of the players last night was shocking and deserves some punishment. The respect the ref campaign was brought in largely because of the disrespect that the top 4 show them week in week out and it has little impact on them. I'd like to see what the FA would do if Stoke, Hull or ourselves acted up as bad as the top 4 do. The book would be thrown a those teams but somehow it's only passion when it's he top sides. Bollox!
2. The game is crying out for a TV Official, miked up refs and some means to make refs accountable for decisions (even if they are only human error). IMO the biggest obstacle of this is that the authorities would lose their "grey area". Take the SWP banning as n example. The ref lied and said he didn't see SWP's raisd leg so the FA had to step in and ban him. The ref then saw Ronaldo's incident so nothing happens. We all know this is "corrupt" but the authorities want to keep this so they can control the game as they wish. TVs and refs with voices would make that so much harder.
3. The standard of referring in general is crap. Forget last night. Personally I thought he was okish - some errors but mostly fair. Instead consider the standard week in week out in England. It's dire. I've said for years that bringing down Vassell and bringing down Rooney in the premier league referee's mind are very different. Rooney may score so it's a yellow. Vassell would have fallen over anyway so it may not even bee a foul. It's the same in the opposite way with Robinho and say Anelka. Robinho is too lightweight so no foul but Anelka would only fall over if it was really bad so yellow. So it's not quite corrupt but it's biased. This is just one slice of it though. Each week there are shocking examples of poor referring. Beyond he TVs, mikes, etc they themselves need to figure out how they can become more consistent.

Overall the game in England needs fixing and I hope last night just highlighted some things that'll help. From a City perspective I hope any change come soon because if we get anywhere near close enough to challenge the top you'll see some strange refereeing and FA decisions then it'll be murder compared to last night.

How would a TV ref help, when the game is about opinions??? Half of the people on this forum believe that their should have been penalties and half dont!!!!!!! Thats the beutyof football it gives us something to discuss!!!
BlueChris, I'm talking about the decisions week in week out. There are some that the ref get blatantly wrong. Some are just because they can't see the incident from every possible angle. A TV official could. There's a good chance that games would be fairer if the minute or two to examine the footage was taken. It wouldn't significantly slow down the game and it's proven to work in Rugby so why not do it.

Then there are refs who simply wimp out or make blatently biased decisions. Get them sorted too.

At the end of the day, I want to debate the merits of the players, not the refs. I'm fed up talking about refs and respect etc. Once the systems are in place to get the decisions right (at least bring more consistency) then I'm all for kicking any player out of football who can't show respect to the ref, players and fans.

Why the F*ck does football have to have the likes of Cantona jumping into crowds, or Cole turning his back to a ref or the other countless examples of disgraceful behaviour. Football is light years behind other sports and we are football fans so I think we are entitled to expect and call for action.

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