Restaurants With Menus and Ordering by QR Code

Mrs Ewing and I splashed out the other day and went for dinner at Morrisons. Lovely cafe, very nice people, but the first thing you meet is a monitor with all the options on it. I went to the lass behind the counter and asked if I had to use 'that machine', or can I just tell you what I want. We could just tell her what we wanted. The food arrived and very nice it was, but as I sat down at Mrs Ewing's chosen table there on the corner was a label with an OCR! Wonder what's next in the mad scramble to 'technologise'? It's got me thinking what could be the next spiffing technological wheeze! I shall report back in due course!
I have never used a QR code to order anything, I wont even go to a place if they don't accept cash.

Absolutely hate it. It means you can only look at one item at a time rather than quickly looking over the whole menu.
Whenever our bespoke cycling club arrives at the mandatory cafe stop I lambast them for not knowing what they wanted before they set off. Mind it helps if yer don't stop at cafes that haven't got a bacon muffin on the menu!
Self check outs are full of cunts who get stuck and have to call a human over anyway

It’s usually the machine not the person putting the things in though isn't it.

Shit machines that are temperamental and you can't cancel an error or machines that you can't split payment in cash and card or don't take cash at all.
I quite like this way of ordering. Works really well in food halls where there are multiple outlets such as Society and Hatch in Manchester.
Just plonk yourselves down at a bench, order your food & drinks and let it all be delivered to you, without the danger of losing your seat while you're at the bar.
I agree that it's pretty pointless in smaller quieter establishments.

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