Restaurants With Menus and Ordering by QR Code

It has a time and a place. I love it at our local tap house as I can get instant service and find out a bit about the beers,and when you go to one of these new trendy food court types it enables you to order from different vendors easily.

But it does also restrict choice, if it's not a pre set option then good luck, and you're right it's quite a cold way to do business. Still, sometimes that is fine and a lot of people nowadays are very self absorbed so don't want the interaction anyways. Rather be on their phone or YouTube and act like it's rude to disturb them.
Last 2 sentences … horrible innit.

Im not the biggest social butterfly in the world but i still like interacting with a waiter/shop worker whatever
It’s usually the machine not the person putting the things in though isn't it.

Shit machines that are temperamental and you can't cancel an error or machines that you can't split payment in cash and card or don't take cash at all.
Well whatever, can be a ball ache and end up slower than just going to a check out with a person
I have never come across this, but from reading posts on here it appears to be used in places I wouldn’t eat or drink in if they were the last places on earth.
A money saving excursive that puts people out of jobs. Just like self serve at a supermarket.
Is the food cheaper because youre doing some of the work yourself? Is it fuck.

Dont join in with this capitalist scam!

Always join an aisle where a checkout person is.
Dont got to restaurants where they have binned off waiters.

Keep people in jobs rather than making the big corps more money.

Nailed it.
Went somewhere in the peaks and was told at the bar to use the QR code on the table. Proceed to scan the QR code but i don't have any signal so the menu won't load (we are in the peaks), kid from behind the bar is now trying to get me on the pubs wifi, that wont work. Mate i just want a fucking pint. Think we ended up leaving. What a pain in the arse.

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