Restoring the Death Penalty in Britain

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e-14328758</a>

These 3 don't deserve the death penalty ?

These sickos deserve to be tortured to death.
pominoz said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
you don't need the death penalty to stop people from re-offending.

They cant re_offend if they are brown bread though

They can't be released from a wrongfull conviction ,if they are brown bread,either!

Ah well we all going to be brown bread one day anyhow. Interestingly how many people convicted of a terrible crime get let out for wrongful conviction?
TCIB said:

These 3 don't deserve the death penalty ?

These sickos deserve to be tortured to death.

You really don't get it do you.
As I've said before it only takes one miss carridge of justice one little mistake and someone will die that is too bigger risk in my opinion life is way to precious, criminals should just spend the rest of their sad lives in prison with minimal conditions and rights and have time to suffer and think about the victims of their crimes
The cookie monster said:
SWP's back said:
TCIB said:

These 3 don't deserve the death penalty ?

These sickos deserve to be tortured to death.

You really don't get it do you.
1st of the do-gooders arrives.

How you can use the term "do-good" in the perjorative always makes me laugh.

I should do more bad and harm though, you are right.
MCFC 4 EVER said:
As I've said before it only takes one miss carridge of justice one little mistake and someone will die that is too bigger risk in my opinion life is way to precious, criminals should just spend the rest of their sad lives in prison with minimal conditions and rights and have time to suffer and think about the victims of their crimes

See i get this to an extent but its the ones that dont show remorse or the one that shot a kid in the head and then mocked his family as he was sentanced. They dont care or learn from prison so whats the point. I have stayed out of this argument as its too complicated in reality but my feeling is if they are guilty beyond all doubt and dont show any remorse for the crime then prison is too good for them

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