Richards fit

nashark said:
Pigeonho said:
See what you mean about the crosses, but can't Johnson do that, and have trickery to boot? I've just completely lost any ounce of faith I had in Kolarov doing anything constructive on the pitch whatsoever. I would push Yaya back to Barry's position, drop Kolarov for Balotelli and have those 3, (Balotelli, Johnson and Silva), hopefully causing havoc behind Dzeko.

I'd favour Kolarov over to Johnson initially because trickery amounts to cutting inside a lot of the time, and I think Kolarov is a far better crosser than Johnson. If Johnson were to be played, he would be played right-wing whilst Spanish Dave comes into the centre.

Johnson should come on after around 60 minutes regardless of the result. Milner should come on if we're tired in the middle. And I'd be reluctant to play Balotelli any earlier than 80 minutes.
Whilst AJ does cut inside a lot when on the right (a trend a lot of managers now follow), putting him on the left will mean he can get past the full back and put in a much more dangerous cross from the by-line. I'd drop Kolarov completely, have Barry on the left of midfield with DJ on the right and Yaya in the middle with instruction to get forward
Gotta hunt in packs when defending and attack in numbers with pace- turn thugic and we're in.
give dzecko some service in the box and yaya and david there to pick up the pieces.
Plus would someone please put that ugly nani bastard in the stands and make sure he does not return. EVER!!!
You can do the same to the chicken shite too!!
kevodevo said:
Gotta hunt in packs when defending and attack in numbers with pace- turn thugic and we're in.
give dzecko some service in the box and yaya and david there to pick up the pieces.
Plus would someone please put that ugly nani bastard in the stands and make sure he does not return. EVER!!!
You can do the same to the chicken shite too!!

Are you into Devo mate?
buzzer1 said:
kevodevo said:
Gotta hunt in packs when defending and attack in numbers with pace- turn thugic and we're in.
give dzecko some service in the box and yaya and david there to pick up the pieces.
Plus would someone please put that ugly nani bastard in the stands and make sure he does not return. EVER!!!
You can do the same to the chicken shite too!!

Are you into Devo mate?

City Raider said:
zab got done inside by nani at ot for goal

Bollocks, the ball bounced off his back ffs, he's the best fullback at the club.
bluemoon201164 said:
lets hope barry dont get in the team, he offers nothing, to slow, cant tackle, an his brain is about 5 seconds behind everybody else. rant over.

Well that's a load of bollocks because there were many times on Monday where Barry was intercepting crosses and being in the right place at the right time to clear. So I'd say his brain is probably quicker than everybody else's when it comes to reading the game.
------------------Yaya Toure-De Jong--------------------

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