Richards, what has got into him?

GStar said:
I know what lean means, courtesy of 'princeton': "leanness - the property of having little body fat".

I never questioned Micah's performances; i never said they were great, i never said they were acceptable. I was making a point that people that call footballers "fat" and thats without taking into consideration most of them in Micha's case, go onto say he's is "so fat" he can't run properly... obviously don't know too much about football or professional sport in general.
Keep being an amateur psychologist, theres a number of reasons Micah's performances may have dropped; infact we could just have been over rating a young athlete who was allowed to get away with more a few seasons ago. Fact is, i'm not going to come on here and state i know the state his mind is in, because i'm not in a position to do that, neither are you... It's simply something that has become popular to say and people repeat it without having actually thinking about what they're saying.

ive followed city and played football since i was 5 years old, held a season ticket for 7 years, played many sports competitively, and i have an a level in P.E so id say i know a bit about sports in general. sports psychology is also huge in sports, a huge part of the game. i dont like to be insulted. maybe thats because im a girl.
I wasn't "laughing" at you, it was a tongue in cheek comment as a lot of people seem to say that Micah is too fat to run properly, and its blatently not true.

I'm not sure why his performances have dropped if im honest; could be that the 'potential' we thought he had was just athleticism, the team has developed quicker than he has, Hughes is having Micah "learn" on the job in regards to becoming a "RWB", theres a number of things... last season i was so frustrated at his lack of positioning and his jogging back as teams broke on us... i've not noticed it as much this season, but it does feel like Micah is playing well within himself, perhaps he's struggling with long term niggles?
"Linford Christies full of muscle and he's fast"

He would'nt be fast on a football pitch and Cantona worked it out yet?

Richards....bends forward panting for breath with his hands on his thighs.. stood 8ft off Ryan Giggs who takes complete advantage of the gift horse and takes plenty of time to evaluate if he requires a 9-iron or a pitching wedge to land the ball plumb on the swede of the three team mates that are indicating where exactly they want it. I have no intention of being smart but if you did'nt know that was a schoolboy mistake then all mention physcobubblles are null and void. "Ya Folla"
Fat Chance said:
"Linford Christies full of muscle and he's fast"

He would'nt be fast on a football pitch and Cantona worked it out yet?

Richards....bends forward panting for breath with his hands on his thighs.. stood 8ft off Ryan Giggs who takes complete advantage of the gift horse and takes plenty of time to evaluate if he requires a 9-iron or a pitching wedge to land the ball plumb on the swede of the three team mates that are indicating where exactly they want it. I have no intention of being smart but if you did'nt know that was a schoolboy mistake then all mention physcobubblles are null and void. "Ya Folla"

Woooosh! I've worked out that people with a lot of muscle can run.. you've quoted me wrong too therefore argueing a point i've never actually made.

I'll say that, with two seasons under Hughes, all our squad are in good physical condition when fit, Micah's fit and playing and has played the majority of Hughes' reign.

And perhaps you should "folla" what i'm saying rather than putting words in my mouth, it would help an awfull lot. I've never defended Micah's performances in this thread, and the fact he was "8ft from Giggs" (which i'm not so sure about, since Giggs was ina CM position, but then, within seconds making a challenge on Owen as he scored kind of backs up my point that Micah can indeed "run".

Its a good job you had no intention of being smart, because you completely jumped to conclusions and in the end, have tried to make me look foolish by making out i said things i didn't. Well done you.
citygal1 said:
GStar said:
I know what lean means, courtesy of 'princeton': "leanness - the property of having little body fat".

I never questioned Micah's performances; i never said they were great, i never said they were acceptable. I was making a point that people that call footballers "fat" and thats without taking into consideration most of them in Micha's case, go onto say he's is "so fat" he can't run properly... obviously don't know too much about football or professional sport in general.
Keep being an amateur psychologist, theres a number of reasons Micah's performances may have dropped; infact we could just have been over rating a young athlete who was allowed to get away with more a few seasons ago. Fact is, i'm not going to come on here and state i know the state his mind is in, because i'm not in a position to do that, neither are you... It's simply something that has become popular to say and people repeat it without having actually thinking about what they're saying.

ive followed city and played football since i was 5 years old, held a season ticket for 7 years, played many sports competitively, and i have an a level in P.E so id say i know a bit about sports in general. sports psychology is also huge in sports, a huge part of the game. i dont like to be insulted. maybe thats because im a girl.

Sometimes things need saying blunty, imo, the "Micah is fat" and "Micah can't run because he's too big" is absolutely ludicrous.
"very nice, have you ever seen a picture of Linford Christie... or any 100m sprinter? They can all run, and pretty fast too. Micah's not the biggest in the Prem either, but they can all run... you called him fat but you didn't mean fat, yet im a fool because i should have known what you meant"?

I'll take it real slow cause your obviously struggling, he's fat....whether thats fat with muscle or fat with fat don't matter to Man City fans cause even the numbest of 'em can see that he cannot or will not sprint back to his given position and whichever reason it is... is not good. Football is about 90mins of play (not 10 sec's), Gregory the Villa manager once called out Ginola for not being fit enough, Ginola scored a goal and took his top and shown Gregory his pumped bicep. The after match interviewer asked Gregory about this and Gregory immediately asked the interviewer what Ginola had done in the last 15mins of the match.....the interviewer failed to answer and Gregory replied 'not fit enough, like i said'.
GStar said:
And perhaps you should "folla" what i'm saying rather than putting words in my mouth, it would help an awfull lot. I've never defended Micah's performances in this thread, and the fact he was "8ft from Giggs" (which i'm not so sure about, since Giggs was ina CM position, but then, within seconds making a challenge on Owen as he scored kind of backs up my point that Micah can indeed "run".

i may not be correct (sure someone on here will confirm...) but i remember it being SWP that got back to "nearly" get the challenge in on Owen.

nit-picking i know but worth pointing out.
I'm struggling... You can't be "fat with muscle" ffs. If your going to be petty and insult someone's intelligence at least know what your talking about.

Also your cardio isn't directly related to your other muscle sizes... so you can be huge with a great engine, or like a marathon sprinter; with a great engine.

You've just assumed Micah doesn't track back because he's not fit enough; perhaps he can't be arsed, he's been told when he goes forward SWP will cover him... whatever, theres a number of reasons... do you really think Hughes would allow players to play for us half fit? He got rid of Elano and TBH for not being good enough trainers.

So... what point were you trying to make; Micah is unfit, Micah is fat? Because both are bollocks.
I think I must be blind here.

Apart from a couple of positional/concentration mistakes (which ALL young players get), I think Micah has done very well this season.

Look at current England RB, Glen Johnson for a good comparison. He had a good season, then went to Chelsea and did shite. It took him a few years to get his head on.
Or the other England RB, Wes Brown. He was shite for years even though he had Neville to work with.

Richards has had his good seasons and is currently in the 'learning phase' of his career. Every single game he plays will help him along a little, and he will eventually become one of the Premierships best; he certainly has all of the attributes for it.

Long story short, he is better than he was last year, and last year he was better than he was the year before. We are seeing a nice improvement in him, and he is becoming more confident as the season goes on. I admit that he is probably within himself at the moment, but he'll be fine long term. I don't only think we should keep him, I think he should play every possible game.

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