Rio wants to shut up the City Gloryhunters

Wio keeping Rooneys rug nice and warm for him while he's on the bench.

Its a shame that his legs aren't as active as his oversized mouth.

2 of the best images i've seen of Wio are him chasing after Bellamy and Edin at Old Scaffold....doing that dad type run where your legs just won't propel you as fast as they used to know the one...where his upper body is working like Usain Bolt but his lower body is working like he's just shot his bolt....

Normally doesn't bother me all the shite that they come out with, I just laugh at it....but now we've been infested with their daily opinions due to twatter it makes me wonder how much is scripted and instructed by the Govan pisscan....I mean we're led to believe that he controls everything over there....surely daily opinions and comments on twatter that now get reported and given airtime like the dalai lama has spoken, by Slysports, is too good an opportunity for the " mind games master" to pass up on.

I personally think that the Govan pisscan is worried because he can't solicit a Keeganesque type "Love it" response out of Bob....and he doesn't want to directly try and rile him into it.

He knows that Bob is too cool for him and he also knows that he's going the right way about it by praising them lot and just quietly getting on with winning our own's the ignoring bit thats really pissing the rags and sluralex they're an irrelevance to him...almost beneath him in terms of what they're up to.......It'll get worse as we close in on the title and my bet is that it'll all centre on money spent if we don't win it after spending all that money then a) we'll never win it, bob will be sacked, the sheikh will fuck off, all our best players will go......blah blah fuckin blah....or b) you'll never have our history, we've never bought a player, we bring em through the youff you know........whatever happens this season I can't wait to see Wio and Wooney attempt to put into words want they can't quite pull off on the pitch......stick to being spoilt bullies/ bitches lads, cos literary sages you ain't....
if he doesn't like to hear people talking about City he should fvck off back to london

what does he expect he sends his genetically challenged children to a school in a City that has only one Premier league football club it is only natural the locals talk about that club FFS
wio the camelface is full of his own importance always thinks hes a world authority on EVERYTHING...cant help himself to twitter shite all day long, i mean that stalker he had didnt look half bad but fook me where was her white stick.

ide fukin love his restraunt to be painted blue with hopefully.. fingers crossed.."MCFC CHAMPIONS "plastered all over it! that would wipe that ugly stupid dickhead grin off his kite.
bluedan said:
"Now that they are up there challenging we’re seeing more Manchester City kits around town and more people are talking about them,” he said. “You didn’t see that years ago. Now we want to shut those people up too.”

Read more at: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nd-critics</a>

Is he right?

spot the difference, you camel gobbed twat





The site of him bitching and snapping at the end of the semi was one of the most satisfying scenes ever to be shown at wembley, what I found disturbing was the lack of criticism he and and Anderson received, any other club in the country would have been condemned for the spoilt brat type actions, England captain bollocks!
Why don't some footballers just give it a rest. This gobby twat is probably the worse offender when it comes to inane comments.
It will give me great pleasure to see our boys ram his words back down his bilious gob when we win the league.
Can't wait!
As for glory hunters look at your own fans moron!

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