riot cleanup

citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
The real clean up is going to happen tomorrow evening when we smash any of the little scrotes we see doing anything wrong. Come along to that.

What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?
Blue Punter said:
citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
The real clean up is going to happen tomorrow evening when we smash any of the little scrotes we see doing anything wrong. Come along to that.

What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

I think the fact that CK hasn't responded to two people on different threads who have addressed his comments, instead choosing to log off says it all really.
citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
The real clean up is going to happen tomorrow evening when we smash any of the little scrotes we see doing anything wrong. Come along to that.

What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

Well it angers me that the polices hands are tied and they can't just gun the fuckers down. Plus I can never turn down a chance to drop some pricks.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:30 am --<br /><br />
citysince88 said:
Blue Punter said:
citysince88 said:
What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

I think the fact that CK hasn't responded to two people on different threads who have addressed his comments, instead choosing to log off says it all really.

What other thread havne't I responded to. Only just checked this thread and replied when i saw the comments.
Blue Punter said:
citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
The real clean up is going to happen tomorrow evening when we smash any of the little scrotes we see doing anything wrong. Come along to that.

What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

The majority would get in each other's way, but you have a point, it only takes one to clobber you over the head with a tool and hit the sweetspot.
Captain Kompany said:
citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
The real clean up is going to happen tomorrow evening when we smash any of the little scrotes we see doing anything wrong. Come along to that.

What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

Well it angers me that the polices hands are tied and they can't just gun the fuckers down. Plus I can never turn down a chance to drop some pricks.

Fair play for commenting I thought you had done one, but the comment about you never turning down the chance to drop some pricks makes me think your more like the rioters that you would like to think it's not about violence mate, we have enough of that going on.
Blue Punter said:
citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
The real clean up is going to happen tomorrow evening when we smash any of the little scrotes we see doing anything wrong. Come along to that.

What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

I'm fucked in that scenario but at least I'll have made an effort to crush these pricks thinking they can run riots on the streets of manchester. I've punched someone before when 3 people were trying to rob someone. That person then managed to get free and run and I got the shit beaten out of me. It's the same scenario here. If I can stop some of the mindless thugs then you don't know who I might be saving. The scanrio you propose is a risk I'm willing to take. In the end I'd rather i take a beating than some innocent person who is less able to defend themselves. Look at the games versus rags when 5 men think they are hard throwing shit at women and children in minibuses. I'm willing to take a twatting if it means I can stop that happening.
Captain Kompany said:
Blue Punter said:
citysince88 said:
What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

I'm fucked in that scenario but at least I'll have made an effort to crush these pricks thinking they can run riots on the streets of manchester. I've punched someone before when 3 people were trying to rob someone. That person then managed to get free and run and I got the shit beaten out of me. It's the same scenario here. If I can stop some of the mindless thugs then you don't know who I might be saving. The scanrio you propose is a risk I'm willing to take. In the end I'd rather i take a beating than some innocent person who is less able to defend themselves. Look at the games versus rags when 5 men think they are hard throwing shit at women and children in minibuses. I'm willing to take a twatting if it means I can stop that happening.

You've got to admire him for that.
Blue Punter said:
Plus I can never turn down a chance to drop some pricks.

Was you down there tonight?

Or at Salford Precinct?

Thought not.

I live about 30 mins drive away from manchester and the first thing I heard about them was tonight. I've organised to come over tomorrow though.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:40 am --<br /><br />
citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
citysince88 said:
What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

Well it angers me that the polices hands are tied and they can't just gun the fuckers down. Plus I can never turn down a chance to drop some pricks.

Fair play for commenting I thought you had done one, but the comment about you never turning down the chance to drop some pricks makes me think your more like the rioters that you would like to think it's not about violence mate, we have enough of that going on.

I know it's not about violence. By saying I never turn down the chance to drop some pricks means that if I see someone starting on someone for no reason I won't hesitate to go over to them and drop them. If I see a robbery in place I'll do everything I can to twat the robber. Those are the pricks I'm reffering to.
Captain Kompany said:
Blue Punter said:
citysince88 said:
What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

I'm fucked in that scenario but at least I'll have made an effort to crush these pricks thinking they can run riots on the streets of manchester. I've punched someone before when 3 people were trying to rob someone. That person then managed to get free and run and I got the shit beaten out of me. It's the same scenario here. If I can stop some of the mindless thugs then you don't know who I might be saving. The scanrio you propose is a risk I'm willing to take. In the end I'd rather i take a beating than some innocent person who is less able to defend themselves. Look at the games versus rags when 5 men think they are hard throwing shit at women and children in minibuses. I'm willing to take a twatting if it means I can stop that happening.

Fair play to you mate, most people wouldnt

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