riot cleanup

Warwickhunt said:
Captain Kompany said:
Blue Punter said:
All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

I'm fucked in that scenario but at least I'll have made an effort to crush these pricks thinking they can run riots on the streets of manchester. I've punched someone before when 3 people were trying to rob someone. That person then managed to get free and run and I got the shit beaten out of me. It's the same scenario here. If I can stop some of the mindless thugs then you don't know who I might be saving. The scanrio you propose is a risk I'm willing to take. In the end I'd rather i take a beating than some innocent person who is less able to defend themselves. Look at the games versus rags when 5 men think they are hard throwing shit at women and children in minibuses. I'm willing to take a twatting if it means I can stop that happening.

You've got to admire him for that.

Hang on CK are you out to defend people or for vengence ? Because I would be more than happy to stand beside you in defence of the innocent but to chase down and beat the rioters to merely make myself feel better is wrong.
Well the disorder had been going on for several hours, but I won't nitpick.

I sincerely hope you have good intentions, just make sure you don't get nicked... or even worse a good hiding.

EDIT: Although if you get nicked, in a riot situation, you're likely to get a few digs anyway.
citysince88 said:
Warwickhunt said:
Captain Kompany said:
I'm fucked in that scenario but at least I'll have made an effort to crush these pricks thinking they can run riots on the streets of manchester. I've punched someone before when 3 people were trying to rob someone. That person then managed to get free and run and I got the shit beaten out of me. It's the same scenario here. If I can stop some of the mindless thugs then you don't know who I might be saving. The scanrio you propose is a risk I'm willing to take. In the end I'd rather i take a beating than some innocent person who is less able to defend themselves. Look at the games versus rags when 5 men think they are hard throwing shit at women and children in minibuses. I'm willing to take a twatting if it means I can stop that happening.

You've got to admire him for that.

Hang on CK are you out to defend people or for vengence ? Because I would be more than happy to stand beside you in defence of the innocent but to chase down and beat the rioters to merely make myself feel better is wrong.

I'm out to kick the fuck out of anyone who is making life hard work for the decent people. So to answer your question to defend people. By chasing down and twatting rioters it means that they won't be able to do any more damage or cause disturbance to any more businesses or residents.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:48 am --<br /><br />
MCFC1993 said:
Captain Kompany said:
Blue Punter said:
All very brave CK, but what happens if you're cornered by 5, 10, 25 of these yobs and they're tooled up?

I'm fucked in that scenario but at least I'll have made an effort to crush these pricks thinking they can run riots on the streets of manchester. I've punched someone before when 3 people were trying to rob someone. That person then managed to get free and run and I got the shit beaten out of me. It's the same scenario here. If I can stop some of the mindless thugs then you don't know who I might be saving. The scanrio you propose is a risk I'm willing to take. In the end I'd rather i take a beating than some innocent person who is less able to defend themselves. Look at the games versus rags when 5 men think they are hard throwing shit at women and children in minibuses. I'm willing to take a twatting if it means I can stop that happening.

Fair play to you mate, most people wouldnt

That is what really pisses me off. There was an old lady have her bag snatched from her before in a town centre and not one person went after the prick. I was about 50 metres away and heard her scream so ran over and asked people what happened. They told me and I went after the guy in the direction they gave me. Couldn't find him so came back and asked why the fuck no-one had gone after him. Every single one of the pricks looked down sheepishly. Some of them were young men and it disgusts me to think that if that happened to my grandma nobody would even help.
So CK it's a bit of both ? lol.

We don't want a race to see who can be more vicious, afterall they are scum we are not so they would win that particular competition, Right, because if we did win that competition then in order to have won we must have become like them. So we need to be better than them.

I do realise this is a complicated issue though.
citysince88 said:
So CK it's a bit of both ? lol.

We don't want a race to see who can be more vicious, afterall they are scum we are not so they would win that particular competition, Right, because if we did win that competition then in order to have won we must have become like them. So we need to be better than them.

I do realise this is a complicated issue though.

I don't think they'd win a race to be the most vicious though. They are fighting for nothing. The decent people have something to fight for. I'm willing to go and twat them and I couldn't care less if I get twatted. I wonder how willing they'll be to twat someone if they know they may also get twatted. I doubt they'll have the balls to stand up and face someone. If 5 of us run down an alley at 5 of these scumbags then they won't be waiting around for a fight, they'll be fucking off. They won't get away that easy though. I'm not intending to disperse them like the police, I intend on hurting the cunts. If a few hundred come out on the street and join in on these tactics they won't be fucking our city up for much longer. They like being cocky to police when they know they can't respond. They won't like it when the tables turn and they're being twatted with golf clubs and baseball bats.
Not having a pop at you CK, but I'll guarantee if you're walking round town with Baseball bats and Golf Clubs with an intention to cosh people, you'll be arrested or have your mugshot in the MEN wielding a 7 Iron. How will that look?

Have a look at TCIB's thread. This one's about tidying up the streets in the literal sense.
Stay safe tomorrow.
Mate your becoming a victim of your emotions, I understand the frustration and the rage but we can not allow ourselves to become monsters and if hundreds of people start chasing these rioters down and kicking the shit out of them, we won't be human we'll be like them. SCUM.

We need to be better than they are, we need to show what adults should be like, as preachy as it all sounds, if we resort to groups of vigilante's dishing out a pasting to anyone who looks to be doing something suspect we will have lost.
citysince88 said:
Mate your becoming a victim of your emotions, I understand the frustration and the rage but we can not allow ourselves to become monsters and if hundreds of people start chasing these rioters down and kicking the shit out of them, we won't be human we'll be like them. SCUM.

We need to be better than they are, we need to show what adults should be like, as preachy as it all sounds, if we resort to groups of vigilante's dishing out a pasting to anyone who looks to be doing something suspect we will have lost.

We won't be like them. We'll be doing society a favour. If they know how the people of the City feel and know they will react and that they can't get just do what they want then they might yet learn. If society unites and lets them know we won't be standing for this shit thenn they will stop. They think they're big men. To stop them thinking that we'll see how they like some justice. They've got away with things all their life whilst left wing scum try to justify their actions. Well that won't happen any longer. People will arm themselves with weapons and take to the street. Then the scum will see that their behaviour will not be tolerated.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:22 am --<br /><br />
Blue Punter said:
Not having a pop at you CK, but I'll guarantee if you're walking round town with Baseball bats and Golf Clubs with an intention to cosh people, you'll be arrested or have your mugshot in the MEN wielding a 7 Iron. How will that look?

Have a look at TCIB's thread. This one's about tidying up the streets in the literal sense.
Stay safe tomorrow.

I've got my balaclava ready and since I haven't lived local for a while they can put my picture in the MEN. I doubt I'll be recognised without anyone seeing my face. If they try and arrest me I'll run. I intend to stay more towards the back alleys. Slip my baseball bat into my waistband and when I see them I'll get it out.
citysince88 said:
Captain Kompany said:
The real clean up is going to happen tomorrow evening when we smash any of the little scrotes we see doing anything wrong. Come along to that.

What's the motivation behind your thirst for violence ?

Is it vengence by any chance ? I hope not our society needs adults to act as adults and an example from which people can follow.

Kids were never this bad until adults weren't allowed to hit them. Time for change. I am a 15 year old but I still think they should be stricter on chavy kids
3 blokes murdered in brum were out 'protecting' their own last night. Another in London in critical condition. Doesn't matter if you feel you have the ability to drop some of these cunts, CK, a knife does more damage and 5 cunts with knives does even more. The cunts you want to drop are the type who will have those knives so just becareful.

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