Riot in Tottenham (continued)

I'd listen to the bleeding heart apologistes on here if the bastards rioting were stealing food.

They aren't.

They are mindless scum thugs who deserve to be shot.
bluevengence said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Rascal said:
I have spent much of today listenng to the radio/watchng TV/reading news reports etc etc and it appears that as each hour passes the commentators in our media become more and more rabidly right wing in there assesment of what has happened and what should be done. Its a sad state of affairs when intelligent people are trying to outdo each other in stating there disgust and condemnation of events. Hardly anyone has attempted to explain any reasons behind whats occuring, its just an endless diatribe about thugs and mindless violence.

What i personally find scary is that this country is lurching to the far right and that people appear comfortable with there liberties being eroded.


Good post mate

I think goes some way to explaining the reasons behind what's occuring.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Basically, the lunatics are running the asylum

'we're showing the rich we can do what we want innit tho'

I couldn't get right wing enough on fuckers like these.<br /><br />-- Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:33 pm --<br /><br />
BillyShears said:
The notion that our country is lurching towards the far right is a joke - if anything, what we've seen is a pathetic weak liberal response to a situation which needed strong, firm, direct, action against the scum who are stealing, destroying, and violating peoples lives and homes...because...well as that stupid inbred woman in the radio interview a few pages back says..."it's a laugh".

Spot on
BillyShears said:
SWP's back said:
nashark said:
I tried that last night but I might as well have been holidaying in Italy.

I don't think people are actually capable of seeing past "kids on the rob".

They are perfectly capable but in this instance, they do no need to.

When both myself and JMA agree on something, along with tuertsboots and Lancet Fluke, then you know a consensus is forming.

Is really is all about kids on the rob. Look at twitter, see the messages people are posting about the riots, trying to goad friends to come on with them on the rob, trying to focus on the more valuable stores and jewellers. This is not about a poor upbringing, it is shameless opportunism and you can't tell me the kids as young as 8-13 that have been arrested have any idea about cuts or such like.

You myopic anti-stablishment view is triesome which is a shame as I really like you as a poster.

You can add my name to the list of people agreeing with you. Time for the police AND the general public to get tough. Stand outside your home/business shoulder to shoulder with your neighbours. Still shocked that a couple of hundred kids can frighten bully intimidate and shut down half of London.

oh jesus, isn't this a prelude to the apocalypse?
Cheesy said:
Are you seriousy trying to deny that these people who are involved aren't thugs using mindless violence?

Perhaps they just need some attention the poor little darlings.

Mindless thugs or disenfranchised youths, rioters or legitimate protesters, the fact remains that the commentators in the media and many posters on here advocate far right wing answers to the situation. It appears that many people are advocating a virtual police state, an end to civil liberties and a rigid authoritarian approach.

A tory MP was ranting about teenagers being out after midnight, does he not realise you can marry and fight for your country at 16, drive at 17 etc. Does he want curfews i ask? Do we want curfews, do we want as law abiding citizens to see our liberties taken away from us because of the actions of a minority. The far right want this and its dangerous.
SilvaLining said:
SWP's back said:
nashark said:
I tried that last night but I might as well have been holidaying in Italy.

I don't think people are actually capable of seeing past "kids on the rob".

They are perfectly capable but in this instance, they do no need to.

When both myself and JMA agree on something, along with tuertsboots and Lancet Fluke, then you know a consensus is forming.

Is really is all about kids on the rob. Look at twitter, see the messages people are posting about the riots, trying to goad friends to come on with them on the rob, trying to focus on the more valuable stores and jewellers. This is not about a poor upbringing, it is shameless opportunism and you can't tell me the kids as young as 8-13 that have been arrested have any idea about cuts or such like.

You myopic anti-stablishment view is triesome which is a shame as I really like you as a poster.

The thing is though, there are far too many of these kids who see no problem with going out looting. If these people had some moral compass instilled into them, some sense of belonging to a community or even just jobs to keep them occupied then even if the opportunity to riot was there, then they wouldn't. If rioting happened in Manchester, I wouldn't think about going to join in.

So what I'm saying is, the fact that nationwide there is this mass opportunistic sentiment suggests that something has gone seriously wrong with their backgrounds. It's possible to both condem the violence and analyse its causes without just saying, 'yeah they're all just greedy end of'. The question is why do they feel it is acceptable to be greedy and go out and loot? That's what has to be analysed and that necessarily comes down to their upbringing and their socio-economic prospects.

Yes, but it's decades of hard work to eradicate that attitude from areas of society that it has developed. Using techniques that I suspect we will probably agree with.

However, that does not make it anything like politically motivated. It just means that we have neglected certain areas of society that are far too easily prone to turning to criminality when the opportunity presents itself.

I think we are in danger of confusing 'affected by politics' with 'political motivation' here.

They aren't the same thing in my mind. In fact, they are very different.

Almost everything is affected, and can be changed, by politics.

As I've just said, from my local post office, to my sky dish, to Fred West, to poverty levels. They are all affected by politics. But stating that is irrelevant really.
sweynforkbeard said:
Carstairs said:
A mate of mine in Guildford has just been told by the Police to close and secure his bar as they are expecting trouble there.

Guildford!! ffs

Apparently it is because many of those arrested in SW London where taken to Guildford nick as it is the largest custody suite Surrey Constabulary has.


There are areas of deprivation there. Some households only have one car and can only afford one foreign holiday in the summer and a UK break at Easter.


Well, exactly!

Guildford could never be classed as an under-privileged area. It just goes to show that these morons are out to target anywhere where the chances of good looting are high.

This is worrying for a number of reasons; if thugs from the city centres are getting organised (which they clearly are), and also getting mobile (ditto), then by moving out of the city centres to attack prosperous towns where the Police resources are either busy covering London Boroughs or are under-equipped to deal with riot conditions they can run amok and move on swiftly.

Little scumbags.
Rascal said:
Cheesy said:
Are you seriousy trying to deny that these people who are involved aren't thugs using mindless violence?

Perhaps they just need some attention the poor little darlings.

Mindless thugs or disenfranchised youths, rioters or legitimate protesters, the fact remains that the commentators in the media and many posters on here advocate far right wing answers to the situation. It appears that many people are advocating a virtual police state, an end to civil liberties and a rigid authoritarian approach.

A tory MP was ranting about teenagers being out after midnight, does he not realise you can marry and fight for your country at 16, drive at 17 etc. Does he want curfews i ask? Do we want curfews, do we want as law abiding citizens to see our liberties taken away from us because of the actions of a minority. The far right want this and its dangerous.

Until such time as order is restored curfews are an excellent idea. The idea that this is some far reaching end to our civil liberties is just laughable. People are literally having their fucking lives destroyed because we've been too afraid or too incompetent to act firmly and swiftly.
BillyShears said:
The notion that our country is lurching towards the far right is a joke - if anything, what we've seen is a pathetic weak liberal response to a situation which needed strong, firm, direct, action against the scum who are stealing, destroying, and violating peoples lives and homes...because...well as that stupid inbred woman in the radio interview a few pages back says..."it's a laugh".

Totally agree Billy. The response from the authorities has been shockingly weak, in fact I'm struggling to understand why the reaction has been so soft.

Don't they understand by pussy-footing around they have given the green light to every thieving little scrote, in every city in England, the courage to start copycat riots.
SWP's back said:
Blue Tooth said:
SWP's back said:
You've gone quiet Blue Tooth? Busy writing a retraction of my impeding libel case from the dead drug dealer?

I'd nipped out actually...last line of my last post was a clue. "I'm done"
I didn't like the tone of your comment. Thought it was distatseful to tar a whole group with one brush like that.
I stand corrected on the libel comment.
You obviously know a great deal more about that than I do.

At the end of the day my gripe is with the handling as I or not his family really should have been informed by the force that he had been shot. They found out through the press.Not good.
We obviously differ on our views around this.
C'est La Vie.

Fair enough. I was simply making the point that the mournful protest complaining about his death probably didn't give as much of a shit about the lives his affected badly with his gang and crack dealing.

The protest wasn't to complain about his death. It was to find out about his death. That was my point all along. Look if the guy was a hardened drug dealer and he messed up other peoples lives I can understand you not having a shred of sympathy for him or his family....but and here's the rub...until that is proven the poilce should have acted as they would if they shot anyone. Why would they not inform his next of kin as a matter of course? Because they knew he was scum and therefore all his family too so fuck them! Hardly impartial.Not informing the family has led to the question why and that's where their problem will lie in the ipcc investigation. There has to be consistency with the law or it starts to break down.

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