Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

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Fitton said:

whats the common link in all the photos and videos we have all seen? fecking hoodies. ban them and you'll see who really has the balls to do anything when they can be identified.
totallywired said:
talkativesprout said:
Trundle the Army in. Instal a curfew in city centre. Shoot looters on sight.

Isn't that what we did during the war ?

Sounds bloody good to me.
People have always been prepared to take to the streets.

To protest yes, and that's fair enough. These fuckers aren't protesting ffs!
I just don't understand any of this. The police tactics, the motives (obviously nothing to do with the police shooting the guy), what they think they will gain. It all seems so pointless. Draft the army in and tell them to retake control by as much force as they see fit.
Kenney_The_Blue said:
Ferdinand -

Unrest now in Manchester....come on now....this isn't the way....stooooooooop it. What is this in aid of?? Innocent people are the victims.
UberSocial for BlackBerry • 09/08/2011 18:39

You've quoted that degenerate for comment on what is a symptom of a much greater political and social issue?

Many of these kids have no future. They're bitter, and they resent what they've been left to inherit from our ruling classes.

Disaffected youth.

Products of our state schools and crumbling, deprived estates.

Nick Clegg and David Cameron live and were raised in an idyllic bubble, both were privately schooled at Eton.

What right do they have to pass judgement on these kids? They have no understanding of the environment they grew up in, the environment that they'll be condemned to for the rest of their lives. The gap between the rich and poor continues to widen in this country and as a result many of these kids are getting restless.

And now, it appears the police were, quite predictably, lying about the circumstances of Mark Duggan's death. He didn't fire at them as they claimed, but he was still shot dead.

I won't condone the looting of small businesses or the cases of violence against other members of the public, but I will say, that if I was a little younger, I'd be out rioting with them.

Big corporations, the police - fair game.
blueinsa said:
Soulboy said:
blueinsa said:
Where the fuck are the police???

Please dont tell me that this has taken them by surprise?

And yet had the twats in the picture been wearing football scarves or singing football songs they would have been surrounded by 20 coppers, 4 police dogs, three vans and a helicopter overhead!

Some coppers seem to be making a wage out of doing nothing.

Said it earlier mate.

40,000 at a football match and 500 coppers have no problems wading in and cracking skulls yet thousands of coppers are unable to deal with with a couple of hundred kids!


was thinking that myself!fucking scally cunts
Give me a guaranteed job right now Cameron, and I'll happilly go into town and risk my life smashing up some chav scum :)
I wouldn't back off either.

This wouldn't happen however and if we went down there WE Would be arrested for "breach of peace" and convicted of Affray section 2.

The Police want an increase in their budget, these events is making the cops cream in their pants.
Cum stains all over the thin blue line right now, their budgets will be vastly increased.
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