Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

BillyMC said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
M18CTID said:
To be honest, I didn't see how it panned out but I simply didn't get how someone can be firmly "pro-life" but wish death on a certain group of people. As it happens, I don't have any great love for the police myself and I'm in agreement with you (for a change) on that other thread where you pointed out the amount of force they use on football fans compared to what's going on now - that's something that riles me a lot.

As for SWP's Back, well I've met him once and he seems a decent enough bloke to me - hardly a troll. I'm not getting dragged into your spat with him so you're best off discussing "PM-gate" with someone who's interested.

I've admitted that my hatred for the police is a fault, I am not perfect and would never claim to be.

It's my cross to bear and I'm working on it.

What's happening at the moment is that several posters are working to get me banned.

I've spoke with Ric, he told me to curb it or else and I apologised and promised to curb my posts. Since then, my posts have played by the rules and I've engaged people I'd usually ignore in an attempt to be more civil all round.

People like 'Dave' are just trying to kick a man when they think he's down.

This thread is bullshit - it's meant to be about the riots but as usual some posters want to make it about me.

If it weren't for the fact I'd be granting victory to those who want me gone, I'd be happy to consult with Ric or Damo re me not posting anymore if it's causing this much trouble.

Pass me a tissue.

I've had a wank over some things, but not this!
BWTAC said:
BillyMC said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I've admitted that my hatred for the police is a fault, I am not perfect and would never claim to be.

It's my cross to bear and I'm working on it.

What's happening at the moment is that several posters are working to get me banned.

I've spoke with Ric, he told me to curb it or else and I apologised and promised to curb my posts. Since then, my posts have played by the rules and I've engaged people I'd usually ignore in an attempt to be more civil all round.

People like 'Dave' are just trying to kick a man when they think he's down.

This thread is bullshit - it's meant to be about the riots but as usual some posters want to make it about me.

If it weren't for the fact I'd be granting victory to those who want me gone, I'd be happy to consult with Ric or Damo re me not posting anymore if it's causing this much trouble.

Pass me a tissue.

I've had a wank over some things, but not this!

Each to his own
BillyMC said:
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyMC said:
The modern games simply not as entertaining

Agreed Billy. Not like the good old days is it?

Sky's killing the modern game.

Along with the Blackberry.

It's all about the physical side of the game now, Billy, and the money. Altheticism and muscle has replaced flair and skill.

See them last night trying to smash them doors in? Only interested in the spoils.

In our day we used to go round nicking coppers helmets, putting them on and shouting "Oink Oink" as they ran past. Noone cared about the cash, it was all done for the sheer enjoyment of the game.
FuZzY said:
Oh ffs can't we get this back on topic please?


The posters wanting to slag me have been invited to PM me. It seems they only want the attention that arguing with me can bring. Well, no more.

And yet people wonder where all the Jesus stuff comes from? They want to crucify me!

OK Back on topic please and me, foe me or ignore me.
Can't see it kicking off tonight with this rain. Hopefully it will do Thrusrday instead and I can tag a few of the fuckers then.
This thread has now gone from Riots in Manchester City Centre to Riot on Bluemoon!

As per usual!
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 2803_s.jpg</a>

looting in blackpool now....

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