Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

feel sorry for the families of them men who were delibratly drove into and killed last night in birmingham. they were simply protecting their businesses.

Do we think the rain will end the riots and save us more heartache (and the weekend games)?
TheMightyQuinn said:
BillyMC said:
At least he's pro human and doesnt want people kicked to death, Whereas a lot of people on here are anti human and do want people kicked to death.

It's personal, nothing to do with what I have or haven't said.

The fact you're capable of seeing my point is reassuring as sometimes I do feel as if I'm banging my head against a wall with some of the warriors on here.

I'm not pro riot and I've said that about 1000 times, it will never sink in though.

I dont see your point ...I was being sarcastic and the fact you judge me "capable" of understanding your pseudo liberal crap says it all.
lee-mcfc said:
I understand thanks though mate

No worries bud, you're living proof that stereotypes are dangerous, false and cruel.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:22 pm --<br /><br />
Didsbury Dave said:
M18CTID said:
This is the problem with TMQ you see - I can accept his liberal stance but it's the blatant hypocrisy in some of his posts that wind people up.

He's a Militant Liberal who's not afraid to offer people out on the internet to achieve his higher goals of peace and love.


Kind of like Ghandi with a flickknife. What's wrong with that?

PM me if you want Dave, I won't hurt you I promise.

Let the people talk, if you want to turn this into a thread about me then you're ruining the forum for everyone else who wishes to post about the current troubles.

lee-mcfc said:
Just got back from manchester think that's the most cleaning i've ever done in my life! glad it started raining though keep the yobs away
met a couple of blues aswell so i had a smile on my face

Fair play to you Lee, walk tall my friend.
TheMightyQuinn said:
bluemoonmatt said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Nah, I just think people should be entitled to their opinions and that doesn't mean they're somehow responsible for what happened.
The problem is that it's exactly the liberal softly softly bollocks spouted by Damo and his ilk that has led to these loutish youths growing up in an environment where they have zero discipline resulting in them thinking they can do what they want.

No it isn't.

The lack of education, basic intelligence and decency on both sides is quite shocking.

Damo is on neither side and nor am I.

It's all about finger pointing and frankly, I'm above that.

We'll have to agree to disagree. Years ago parents were allowed to clip (and I mean clip NOT ABUSE) they're kids when they stepped out of line, as a result they learned right from wrong. They do it now and they get hauled in front of a beak. Schools were strict, even after they withdrew the cane, you didn't want to get on the wrong side of the teachers. Now they are all mini social workers. No one fears the cops, kids openly abuse them cos they know the poor bobbies can do fuck all about it. We as a nation are a soft touch. Anyone who can't see that is delusional.
TheMightyQuinn said:
M18CTID said:
BillyMC said:
At least he's pro human and doesnt want people kicked to death, Whereas a lot of people on here are anti human and do want people kicked to death.

That's funny - I could've sworn he said the other day that he wouldn't mind seeing some coppers killed.

This is the problem with TMQ you see - I can accept his liberal stance but it's the blatant hypocrisy in some of his posts that wind people up.

A stance I explained and apologised for.

SWP and his like are just trolls who want me banned. I know why they want me banned too, an ex Irish poster on here let me see some PM's a while back and it's no wonder he left the forum.

I'm pro human and anti police - you don't have to understand but my stance isn't illegal, I'm not breaking the COC (I have in the past and I've been punished accordingly) so if you don't like it please ignore me, foe me or take it to PM where we can discuss issues freely without clogging up the board.


To be honest, I didn't see how it panned out but I simply didn't get how someone can be firmly "pro-life" but wish death on a certain group of people. As it happens, I don't have any great love for the police myself and I'm in agreement with you (for a change) on that other thread where you pointed out the amount of force they use on football fans compared to what's going on now - that's something that riles me a lot.

As for SWP's Back, well I've met him once and he seems a decent enough bloke to me - hardly a troll. I'm not getting dragged into your spat with him so you're best off discussing "PM-gate" with someone who's interested.
How does last night compare to the Moss Side riots? I wasn't born then so obviously didn't witness them.

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