Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

they have got the little bastard that set miss selfridge on fire according to gmp twitter
topdogger said:
Good one from Winston Smith Blog, written from the perspective of someone who works every day in the heart of the rotten and useless State "Youth Sector". Worth reading in full.

The Riots in London are a Culmination of Decades of Failed Social Policies

"The once great nation of Britain is being brought to its knees by a festering parasitic underclass that has been fostered by decades of failed social policies in the spheres of education, criminal justice, social services and welfare provision.

The abandonment of effective discipline in schools, the namby-pamby non-judgementalism that pervades social services and the youth offending service and a compliant state that funds dissolute lifestyles are all contributory factors to the chaos on our streets. The forces of law and order that are putatively the guardians of the peace are stymied in their efficacy by a political class that eschews robust policing when it is needed."

"......what will these consequences be you may ask? Well, for those over eighteen whatever custodial sentences they do receive, if any, they will no doubt serve just a fraction of their sentences as is common for most criminals in the UK.

"However, in what will clearly be a perversion of justice, those rioters under eighteen will be treated as if they too are the victims of the very crimes they have commited, as this is the ethos at the heart of the youth justice system.

Within a few weeks many of these rioters that you are now watching loot, burn and terrorise on a twenty four news channel will be on an Intensive Surveillance and Supervision Programme, where they will spend the majority of their 'sentence' being escorted to gyms, adventure centres, DJ courses and having their lunches bought and paid for and they will even be given the bus fares to attend their 'punishment'. There will be a minimum of community work as part of their ISSP and in some parts of the country the Youth Offending Service will fail to implement this part of the ISSP. I know this will occur because I have seen it first hand.

Another part of their ISSP will involve them sitting in on classroom based sessions where staff will ask them what feelings they were experiencing prior to setting their community alight and how best they could channel those feelings in the future. We may even get them to do some 'poster work', as I have heard it referred to, where they will draw and colour in examples of criminal behaviour just in case they were not aware that torching local businesses and throwing masonry at the police, fire brigade and passers by were indeed criminal acts."

"These riots are purely criminal and materialistic in nature and it is the state and its failed social policies that have bred the savage and feral mentality of the perpetrators as well as tieing the hands of the police from taking the kind of swift and robust action to deal with the situation."

absolutely spot on
bobmcfc said:
they have got the little bastard that set miss selfridge on fire according to gmp twitter

would really love to know what sentence/punishment this **** gets
bobmcfc said:
they have got the little bastard that set miss selfridge on fire according to gmp twitter

Excellent - Hope the odious little shit gets sent down for a long time, and is forced to share a cell with a big fucking sadistic gay lunatic called Gloria.
Markt85 said:
bobmcfc said:
they have got the little bastard that set miss selfridge on fire according to gmp twitter

would really love to know what sentence/punishment this **** gets

GM Poice announced anyone convicted will be named and their punishments announced
Markt85 said:
bobmcfc said:
they have got the little bastard that set miss selfridge on fire according to gmp twitter

would really love to know what sentence/punishment this **** gets

on twitter
gmp -anyone convicted of a criminal offence following the disorder will be named by GMP and their sentence

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