Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

Captain Kompany said:
Anyone know if anything has kicked off for definite and if so where abouts?
Ther's two large dogs on the green outside ours. One appears to be a mongrel and the other some form of bull terrier. They've been barking at each other and have now started staring and snarling at each other to.....shit, the mongrel's just took a huge chunk of fur and flesh out the terrier's back. You better get down here quick and sort em out CK
Captain Kompany said:
Anyone know if anything has kicked off for definite and if so where abouts?
Yep in my house asked the missus to give me a lift to work she ain't to happy about lazy cow.
Captain Kompany said:
Anyone know if anything has kicked off for definite and if so where abouts?

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Seosa said:
Originals said:

Who's betting that Noonan gets away with this too?
He doesnt get away with too much. He has spent 22 years in prison.
Who are these gidy twats who sit at home on twitter and facebook spreading rumours of complete shite, whilst touching themselves?

As of half an hour ago town looked like it would every normal day, apart from shops closing early and there being more police than usual.

Also, I was drinking in Piccadilly up until half four ish and there was nothing even remotely resembling a firm or anyone fancying a crack at any scrotes.

People on the internet are like old fucking women sometimes.
anyone have an idea how many people have died so far?

I know the 3 brothers in Birmingham, but any other? hopefully not ....
What the fuck is wrong with this country eh?

Sick to death of people saying they're being let down by the police. They can't do anything right.

They are dead on their feet, they've been out for, in many cases in London, 30 hours.
They are stretched thin and are having to deal with animals, brutal violence and treatment that you would expect to see at a country at war.

This is not how you treat your own people.

Can you imagine how they would treat our soldiers if they were faced against them. Who by the way, there are those I know who struggle to even go to football games anymore, crowds too big, noises too loud etc. Must think they are back on the front line again.

They have no idea how much they have affected peoples lives.

And now they are saying that they expect underage youths to escape without a jail sentence.

They should be made see the consequences of what they've done, not just get a slap on the hand and told it's not their fault..everyone else is to blame.
I don't think they realize, or sadly care what they've done. They have ruined people's lives, destroyed houses and businesses built from nothing.
And they have absolutely ruined the reputation of their age. Now anytime a young person goes into a shop or is with a group of friends, they will be seen as scum.

People are afraid to leave their houses. Grown adults are afraid of children. Youths are attacking police.
What the hell has gone wrong here?

At least it's good to see the real spirit of community still lives on.

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