Lets face it that is what it is when Caragher and Neville are the pundits.
Cant the club do ANYTHING about it? I mean for us City fans it is aaawwwwful, totally spoils the game unless you switch them off. Rival fans feel the same.
But for me, I think it is down to the club to do something about. These twats are representing our club on the national broadcasters, the first thing potential new City fans (And global fans) hear when the commentary is on City is negativity. All the way through with only cursory acknowledgement of anything positive. Its a totally unfair coverage, even taking into account how everyone is hoping we get beat this year. I can understand that, but its borderline lies that they are telling on our coverage.
The evidence is there for all (Except those blind and deaf to it), we get a shit representation on Sky Sports, cant the club order the PL to actually give us fair coverage? I mean get lawyers involved. Or is that too far?