Rival Fans Commentating on City Games

The most unprofessional thing I witnessed didn't even involve us . it was when united beat Arsenal last season early in the season and Gary Neville was on co-commentary and he was literally screaming and cheering down the microphone when they've scored.

I understand he is a united fan and people get caught up in it but you're being paid to do a job and you should do a professionally

They're a disgrace
Reminds me of when Northern Ireland scored their second against Ukraine at Euro 2016 with the commentator going "YES!!", but not doing it for any of the other "devolved" nations when they scored, like Wales.

Clive Tydley also during ITV's Champions League nights every time the Rags scored, it was always without fail screams of "ITS A GGGOOAAALLL.. FOR MANCHESTER U-KNIGHTED!".
But apart from City's goals check VAR did not come up on the Stadium screens . That tells me there was a more intense and longer check on the City goals.
2 of our 4 did (haaland's penalty and his 2nd goal) simply because they required more scrutiny, no such check on Akanji's goal.
you can pretend it's obvious bias against us if you want but that makes you know better than fans of the Victims or the Rags who pretend the bias is obvious against them!
Or just at least be professional

I don't give a shit who their loyalties are with as an ex player or fan, but if you can't put it aside to do a professional job on screen for a few hours then you're not doing a good job.
It's become a parody, hasn't it? When Gary Neville started on the punditry trail in 2011, he had to prove his worth. He was more objective and insightful and rightly took the plaudits. Over time however, and particularly since Jamie Carragher joined Sky, his objectivity and professionalism has nose-dived. Their banter has become insufferable and constant cheerleading for Sky (Carragher was particularly bad after our game on Sunday) is making people look elsewhere. I'm sure that the masses who follow Liverpool and United are pleased with the self-centred nature of their punditry, but for everyone else, it's nauseating. If one of them has to go then it has to be Carragher. This may put Neville on notice and get him to up his game. The reality though, is that plenty of us have had enough of both of them and the sooner changes are made, the better.
2 of our 4 did (haaland's penalty and his 2nd goal) simply because they required more scrutiny, no such check on Akanji's goal.
you can pretend it's obvious bias against us if you want but that makes you know better than fans of the Victims or the Rags who pretend the bias is obvious against them!

It's an opinion, but to be called no better than a Rag after 64 years of watching and season ticket holder for 50 years at City is a really poor response to my opinion. No reply needed.
It's an opinion, but to be called no better than a Rag after 64 years of watching and season ticket holder for 50 years at City is a really poor response to my opinion. No reply needed.
What has how long you have been watching City for got to do the point we're discussing?

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