Rival Fans

Season ticket holding dipper sent congrats through and loves Pep’s football… as compared to a few non-match going dipper mates giving either silence or “oil money” jibes (says it all really).

My Rags mates have been silent to a man.

Arsenal, Chelsea and Leicester mates all gave congrats and happy for me/City.
Well, to be fair, mate, I did say “most of the time, not all”, and I said it “sometimes includes United and Liverpool fans.” I was careful in my wording.
A good lad I've now lost touch with, genuine Manc (that's always an improvement, I find, on someone who comes from Ulan Bator and purports to be a United fan) who was a life long rag, always had good exchanges with him. I recognised what United had done in the past, he recognised what we were doing in the present (was also well aware of ‘distant’ history of the late sixties and the seventies, when we were more or less on an equal footing. I once said to him, “You know, John, I have cognitive dissonance with you. My default position is that all rags are cunts, by definition. But you're not. It gives me a problem!” He took the banter in good part. The night we beat Liverpool at the Etihad in that utterly monumental game (last minute Sané goal, Johnny clearing off the line when two more centimetres would have made it a goal and Liverpool would have taken a point), we both watched the match together, and he was made up for me. Serious guitarist, too. So we always had music to talk about when football was too touchy.
I'd also notice, by the way, that if you ‘prod’ people, well, they tend to react aggressively. That includes City fans.
I get you, was merely adding my own experience.
By prod, I,m starting with a gentle prod - smile and the offer of a hug, gets them every time :-)
It was one of those Sharp ones I saw, the sort with the string ties at the top - I shouted "Is that the last time you went fuck-face?"

*Under my breath because he was a big fucker.

Just seen one at the station and their ticket wasn't working through the barrier, so I said to him "that's cos you're wearing that shirt".

Turns out it was a lesbian woman rather than a 20 something male, I feel bad now.
Still avoid fb unless you want your blood pressure going through the roof. The usual find the road with the smallest amount of City fans on then put it online, gets the dippers and rags knickers wet, they're fucking pathetic. It's not just kids as well it's 'grown blokes' getting giddy about it. Really are tiresome cunts
Still avoid fb unless you want your blood pressure going through the roof. The usual find the road with the smallest amount of City fans on then put it online, gets the dippers and rags knickers wet, they're fucking pathetic. It's not just kids as well it's 'grown blokes' getting giddy about it. Really are tiresome cunts
Now you know how we feel about your moaning Fordy
I live in Newcastle got well done off my safc and nufc mates,one comment off a bitter red who lives in maidenhead moaning about the city fans going b4 the champions league trophy was even lifted.wasn't even worthy of a reply

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