Road rage

Some absolute f*cktard decided to cut me up on a filter lane this morning when I was on my bike. Inches from taking out my front wheel. No way he didn't see me given that I've got 2 rear lights (one flashing) and an ultra bright reflective rucksack. The c*nt got stopped at the same red light I did and he was more than a little surprised when I pulled up alongside his front window. Locked his door and just kept staring directly ahead.

It beggars belief what goes through peoples minds.
Awwwwwww bless. Shall we get the Queen to give your a knighthood for services to the Lycra Loonies?
Or should i put it more politely, who gives a shit?
Bicycles should by law, be only used by the common man for the sole purpose of going to and from gainful employment. In normal clothes.
Used to work at Rolls Royce in Crewe at knock off time there were hundreds of bikes flooding out of the gate all with a squeaky wheel it was deafening
Used to work at Rolls Royce in Crewe at knock off time there were hundreds of bikes flooding out of the gate all with a squeaky wheel it was deafening
Am ashamed to admit this now: Early 50s, Windrush generation. When the local factory finished we used to run alongside bikers coming out shouting: "Are you a black man?"
Am ashamed to admit this now: Early 50s, Windrush generation. When the local factory finished we used to run alongside bikers coming out shouting: "Are you a black man?"
Was going to like it but thought I may be pilloried :)

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