Road rage

I passed my driving test in 1997. I swear that drivers were generally more courteous on the roads back then. People refusing to indicate left when they’re taking the first exit at a roundabout was a habit that seemed to kick in during the early 2000s and it hasn’t gone away.
Not road rage,but this is the thickos we get on the road,watched him for a good 15mins almost empty carpark.20201208_163645.jpg
I must admit that I had a road rage incident tonight on my bike ride home.

(If anyone knows Lincoln High street, you'll know what I mean, and if that was your taxi, you're a c*nt!).

2 lane road with cars parked in the left lane ahead. I'm in the left hand lane having to slow down and wait to pull out to pass the parked cars. Looking over shoulder seeing a taxi miles back. Signal to pull out and the taxi just ignored me and boxed me in. Fair enough, no major drama.

Left hand lane opens out into a bus/cycle lane, and taxi pulls into the bus lane without signalling and stops, blocking me from pulling in. A quick look behind to make sure I'm clear to stay out and pass the taxi, no problem.

Taxi driver has other ideas and decides to pull out and do a F*CKING U-TURN without even looking or signalling right next to a NO U-TURN sign.

Jammed on the brakes and managed not to get hit, or hit the car, luckily getting my feet unclipped and managing to stay upright. C*nt was f*cking oblivious until I twatted the back of her car with with my fist.

Roads are bad enough without 'professional' drivers being c*nts.
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I love the ones that pull out from for eg, a petrol station on a by pass/ dual carriage way and then proceed to dawdle as if they have all the time in world and so has everybody behind them.....the brake lights make the bypass look like Blackpool prom in the winter. There should be a legal slow speed limit as it's just as dangerous.
I love the ones that pull out from for eg, a petrol station on a by pass/ dual carriage way and then proceed to dawdle as if they have all the time in world and so has everybody behind them.....the brake lights make the bypass look like Blackpool prom in the winter. There should be a legal slow speed limit as it's just as dangerous.
There is already. The Highway Code states that drivers should keep up with the flow of traffic
Out for my daily ride today after returning to the road... two laps of 8 miles each.. second lap I was turning right at a roundabout and a van was coming towards me. I thought he's surely seen me (as the bike is fluorescent green and I wear a dayglo bib) but no... he was driving one handed eating a packet of skips and simply didn't stop... I had to ride against the flow of traffic and go down the right hand side of the exit I needed or he'd have wiped me out. I was very lucky the car coming on the exit i took wasn't right on the roundabout or i'd have been hit / off

He raised a hand to say sorry but that's really not good enough... He was from a heating firm in Caernarvon so I tweeted them to ask if they can tell him he's a cnut
Out for my daily ride today after returning to the road... two laps of 8 miles each.. second lap I was turning right at a roundabout and a van was coming towards me. I thought he's surely seen me (as the bike is fluorescent green and I wear a dayglo bib) but no... he was driving one handed eating a packet of skips and simply didn't stop... I had to ride against the flow of traffic and go down the right hand side of the exit I needed or he'd have wiped me out. I was very lucky the car coming on the exit i took wasn't right on the roundabout or i'd have been hit / off

He raised a hand to say sorry but that's really not good enough... He was from a heating firm in Caernarvon so I tweeted them to ask if they can tell him he's a cnut
Great tweet! I just invested in a GoPro for my bike after two incidents last week. £99 from Argos GoPro Hero7.
Out for my daily ride today after returning to the road... two laps of 8 miles each.. second lap I was turning right at a roundabout and a van was coming towards me. I thought he's surely seen me (as the bike is fluorescent green and I wear a dayglo bib) but no... he was driving one handed eating a packet of skips and simply didn't stop... I had to ride against the flow of traffic and go down the right hand side of the exit I needed or he'd have wiped me out. I was very lucky the car coming on the exit i took wasn't right on the roundabout or i'd have been hit / off

He raised a hand to say sorry but that's really not good enough... He was from a heating firm in Caernarvon so I tweeted them to ask if they can tell him he's a cnut
It's weird that no matter how much we try and make ourselves more visible, drivers are still going to get distracted or just not see you. Not so bad if you are in another motor vehicle, but on a pushbike where the speed differential is significant it often has dire consequences.

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