Road rage

if I find myself getting wound up I think I’ve no idea what’s going on in their life to make them drive like that. They might have a dying relative/sick child/ own health issues or be going through a stressful divorce, financial issues, job loss. General stress etc and just be grateful I’m not in their shoes.

they could also just be pricks.

But nothing good ever comes from getting wound up over over other drivers.
To equal it out I'd also add cyclists who go through red lights. Presumably because they've seen people do it in America so think it applies in the UK too? Or that they're special because they travel by power of sun, wind and farts so they're allowed to shove their lycra-clad arses in your windscreen and ignore traffic laws.
Or hop up on the pavement and go round the lights. It pisses me off too. At worst I sit at red lights for probably less then 2 minutes on my commute, but I see cyclists skip lights pretty much every day. 9 times out of 10 I catch up and overtake them anyway.

It's pretty simple to follow the highway code (for the most part, although town planners don't often make it easy), and if every road user did it, the roads would be a safer, calmer experience for everyone.
People going down twisting A roads and press their brake pedal on every single bend but not affecting speed at all so you are never sure if they are braking so you get stressed.
Particularly common in Peak District on Sunday afternoons.
Also when you stop to give way on a suburban road because of a parked car on your side and the driver coming in the opposite direction with the obvious right of way. They just stop, flashing their lights until you have to resolve things by proceeding with caution knowing if theres an accident its your fault sand worst of all they give a sweet little smile as you pass.
On Rochdale road opposite McDonalds at the lights (Harpurhey)
People queuing in the left hand lane as normal.
The right hand lane people are turning right to go down Factory Lane.
But the inconsiderate, can’t be arsed waiting, i’m more important than you twats speed down the right hand lane cut into the left hand lane and get through the lights while idiots like me get stopped at lights AGAIN.
The biggest twats are the pricks in the left hand lane who let these cheeky bastards in!!!!!!! THEY CAN’T BE ARSED QUEUING SO DON’T LET THEM IN - your making me more late!!!!!!
You would’nt let them jump infront of your in the line at Tesco/Asda so why in a car?????? WANKERS
Rant over
Those at traffic lights who decide to indicate a right turn as they lights change and you get stuck behind them.

Drivers who are clearly lost slowing down to a snails pace rather than pull over to find their bearings.

Healthy drivers using disabled bays.

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