Road rage

If everyone over 50 had to do a retest ( including me) the roads would be safer and less whining !!
I disagree. I'm mid 50s with 35 years driving/motorcycling experience and drove the length and breadth of mainland UK. I'd say I'm a sensible and courteous driver, and experience has taught me to intuitively interpret what other drivers are about to do, especially on motorways. And it is so important to be aware of what other road users are doing and about to do! And being on the ball in heavy traffic to avoid possible accidents is getting harder each year as roads get busier. Our roads are often packed and many people are in a rush and not paying attention too busy checking their phones and texting! This really winds me up!

There is a time though when good drivers turn into dithering road hoggers oblivious to the frustration of drivers behind which can lead to road rage . Many elderly drivers become ultra cautious because their reactions are slower and eyesight poorer. I think drivers over 70 should have an annual driving competence check. My mother was a good driver and motorcyclist with many years experience and when I was in her car I noticed that her driving was getting worse, so much so that it was though she had tunnel vision oblivious to other road users and pedestrians. At 83, (4 years ago) I told her I was going to assess her driving skills saying that if she wasn't competent I would take the keys off of there and then. She was terrible and we argued as she bluntly refused to accept she was no longer safe to drive. I told her she was unfit to drive and a liability, an accident waiting to happen.

A week or so later she reversed her treasured Micra from her drive and bumped the rear end on the fence post. Her insurance company deemed her car an insurance write off and I felt relieved about this. We chatted about it over a brew and she accepted she could no longer drive. Too many on the roads still driving when they aren't safe enough to drive, unfortunately and I'm glad my mother was no longer one of them.

I have to admit that I'm not as calm as I should be on occasion but selfish idiotic drivers are an infuriating danger to myself and others. The time will come when I'm not fit to drive, and if I don't realise it myself I hope one of my daughters do and decides when I stop driving.
I’ve mellowed loads on the road these days. There was a time when I’d find myself jumping out of my car with a golf club in hand at traffic lights after chasing somebody a couple of miles after they’d done something to piss me off!! Haha!
I think the turning point was switching TS off and tuning into Smooth and Classic FM instead.
I don’t drive anywhere near as much over here in Spain than I did in the U.K. I’m only a 5 minute walk to all bars/restaurants and supermarkets so much prefer to walk.
Can’t remember the last time I was pissed off with somebody on the road.
I drive aimlessly around the valleys of Snowdonia in a white van, working, it's great....until the summer when wannabee 'Tour de Wales ' fucking cyclists, dressed in perverted multi coloured lycra riding like they own the roads decide to tell me when and where I can over take.....I fucking live here pal, I'll tell you...... and then there's the camper vans.....Dawdling around pointing at sheep, buzzards, seagulls, greenery etc etc in a world of their own and totally oblivious to anything else on the road, namely the long gaggle of traffic queueing up behind them.
" Just ignore them Marjorie, they wont get there any quicker !!".
Let's not start on the caravaners.....

Other than that I'm the most chilled out, responsible, almost unblemished member of the road going fraternity.

( Ignoring the 2 speed awareness courses and 1 for no seat belt, obviously )
Question. Why does everybody in Canada speed within the national parks? Being in someone else's country, and in a rented vehicle to boot, I scrupulously respected the speed limit and was several times honked for it? It's weird, because by and large I find Canadians mild folk when they're not behind the wheel.
People up your arse on a busy motorway when you can’t go any faster, even if you wanted to.

Lorries not making any allowance for people who might be joining a motorway (Charnock Richard services is a death trap for that)

When a road widens allowing two cars (left and right) as you get to the give way to turn onto a main road and the fucker turning right takes up both lanes!

Older drives choosing to go to Tesco at Rush hour! Just wait half an hour.

School drop off loons who just park wherever the fuck they want.

People who park on bends on residential roads.

Parcel delivery drivers

Boy racers who still live at home with their parents and drive down our already dangerous street as fast as they can and then park on a bend as above!

I am the worst for slagging other drivers The words ****, dickhead, wanker, knob are used frequently when I’m in the car on my own!
I’ve mellowed loads on the road these days. There was a time when I’d find myself jumping out of my car with a golf club in hand at traffic lights after chasing somebody a couple of miles after they’d done something to piss me off!! Haha!
I think the turning point was switching TS off and tuning into Smooth and Classic FM instead.
I don’t drive anywhere near as much over here in Spain than I did in the U.K. I’m only a 5 minute walk to all bars/restaurants and supermarkets so much prefer to walk.
Can’t remember the last time I was pissed off with somebody on the road.
I've recently retired my crowbar from behind by seat for nasty cunts like you; )

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