
Last season when Ushited played Arse at the swamp the 4th official held up a board saying 3 minutes yet even though the scum made a sub during that 3 mins the ref blew at 2 mins and 57 secs. Why? Because Arsenal were pressuring Ushited and Fergie (and all the cheating scum) wanted the whistle for full time. The Ref couldn't get the wistle out soon enough as far as he was concerned, as soon as his watch was even close to the 3 minute mark he blew. At least the referees are consistant. Whatever the rags need they get. You want extra injury time? It's yours! You need the match to end soon as? Done! It's a disgrace.
ssg2 said:
City Raider said:
Did they? Don't remember them mentioning why Owen's celebration also took a minute but the ref only played 16 more seconds/
Time was officially over when owen scored so there was no time to add, you can't add a minute to zero time so in theory you got an extra 10 seconds or so.

What the f@ck are you talking about???
If you've got nothing and add 60 seconds to it, it equals 60 seconds.
This fact is where the excuses of the added time on all falls apart and shows itself up for the bollocks it really is. If indeed they added time for celebrations, then the minute or so the rags celebrated Owens goal should have been added too.
dario2739 said:
ssg2 said:
Time was officially over when owen scored so there was no time to add, you can't add a minute to zero time so in theory you got an extra 10 seconds or so.

What the f@ck are you talking about???
If you've got nothing and add 60 seconds to it, it equals 60 seconds.
This fact is where the excuses of the added time on all falls apart and shows itself up for the bollocks it really is. If indeed they added time for celebrations, then the minute or so the rags celebrated Owens goal should have been added too.
I think you're missing the point here. Please try to understand. Time was effectively over when Owen scored so even if he celebrated for 3 hrs there would be no added time because time was up anyway. That's the arguement. Saying time wasn't added after Owen's goal is just nonsense and is detracting from the actual issue which is that the time SHOULD have been up before it was played back in to him.
the best place to blow the whistle was that last free kick.

it was putting a team at an advantage with not enough time for a reply. if that is the case then football matches should be 2 minutes long with the team who wins the coin toss to kick from the opposing team's field.

that would save us 90 minutes of irrelevance.
I know it's not very likely, but is it worth starting a petition to get the game replayed due to the ref getting all the timings messed up?
It's a long shot but you never know. Just look at what Michael Shields did with a petition.
The explaination of the added extra time is flawed too. From the ball hitting the net for Owen's goal to the kick off was atleast a minute, just like ours. How long did the ref add to make up for this stoppage? 16 seconds. I am not saying we would have scored but why one rule for them and another for us? I hope City make a serious complaint about this but even if they did nothing will happen
Thatchersforearm said:
The explaination of the added extra time is flawed too. From the ball hitting the net for Owen's goal to the kick off was atleast a minute, just like ours. How long did the ref add to make up for this stoppage? 16 seconds. I am not saying we would have scored but why one rule for them and another for us? I hope City make a serious complaint about this but even if they did nothing will happen
Not another one! The ref is claiming that time was up when Owen scored, therefore there was no time to add on because the match was essentially over. Owens shot was as such the last shot of the game but the game had to be restarted as per the rules. It wouldn't have mattered how long Owen's celebrations went on for even if it was a week the match was over so therefore he wasn't wasting any playing time.

The issue is that the rules bend for Ushited re-the added time for subs and the fact that the whole length of time for Bellamy's goal was added and not just the excessive bit which was around an extra 20 secs. If you added the time for goals to every match then games where there is 8 goals second half would have to have around 5 mins extra time just for goal celebrations and that's just ridiculous. Like has been said, if it was still 3-2 to Ushited at 90 mins there would have only been 2, maybe 3 mins added max!
This ref is marked, what a tosser. (Martin Atkinson)

This isn't the first time it's happened to Hughes. His Blackburn side have been robbed of points at Old Trafford before too. You can tell by his handshake with Fergie that he hates them and what they did.

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