Robbie debut for Santos tonight?

Blueboylewis09 said:
hgblue said:
That's right. He never sprinted when he played for us. Never scored a goal. Never tried. The lad was injured for most of this season and when he came back he was off the pace and needed our support. Instead the IDIOTS, yes IDIOTS, that follow this football club got on his case and started screaming for their Messiah Craig Bleeding Bellamy. You people are so stupid you don't even know what you've done.

Piss of!
Noone said anything about how we had a problem with him scoring goals. He was great in his first season with us but you need to be consitant. Yes he had an injury and that can ruin your form but he never got going again! If you compare him in the premier league to tonight.

He was prepared to run all the time. He was prepared to support the other players. He was in the right places at the right time but did he do that in England. No he didnt! Because he was just dreaming about Brazil! Now i like Robinho and want him too do well but when you see him playing like he did tonight in Brazil. It makes you ask yourself. Why couldent he do that in England?

Because he doesnt have the passiopn of what swp has when playing for City!
Footballers need passion to help them along and Robinho didnt have that when at us!

It makes me sick.[/quote

Numptyed said:
Not being funny but he would of never had that much space in the Prem, Top finish all the same but the defenders were jogging behind him LOL.
Not many players would be able to score from that position but being under no pressure helped.

Hope he has a ball and a good world cup so he can come back to fulfill his undoubted potential

100% this, he had more time than Ronnie Biggs, the league must be full of amateurs that is one of the most lethargic games I have ever seen, When Robinho comes across half descent defenders he flaps, he isnt going to come back, he hasnt got the balls, simply class that has to be played on a weaker stage.
Blueboylewis09 said:
mancityscot said:
you know lewis, mate. thats the most sense ive ever heard anyone speak. he's a waste of space for us, get rid

Bang on mate. How come he can do that in brazil but not here.

Because he doesnt give two shits about us and every time he played for us he wasnt prepared to play for the shirt and didnt work his ass of! Every footballer should work their ass of!

Every time he was playing for us he was dreaming of being back in Brazil.

Fuck of robinho!

and i went and got his name on last seasons shirt. i think everyone who is part of the club feels betrayed by hom, and everyone nowknows he was only here to line the bank account. i dont want him back
Maradona - hey revolver any more examples as he is THE best player ever.

So who would you rather watch Robinho or bellamy or johnson or Petrov

by the way where is SWP

Revolver that was a top game at Sao Paulo better than most of the premier games yesterday and Robinho comes on makes a chance has three chances which he created with either a pass or movement and scores the winner - whereas we at Hull created one decent chance - near the end and unfortunately for another world class player he found the goalie.
willymanc said:
when he shovelled over the Arsenal goalie was when i knew he was world class and when he played ireland in in Germany and when he scored in the last minute at blackburn and his first touch - if you don't think robinho is world class you probably thought bernarbia was a sunday league player and berkovich a supersub!

I would put an age on you of between 14 and 19, and those yellow coloured lenses in your school bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mancityscot said:
Blueboylewis09 said:
Bang on mate. How come he can do that in brazil but not here.

Because he doesnt give two shits about us and every time he played for us he wasnt prepared to play for the shirt and didnt work his ass of! Every footballer should work their ass of!

Every time he was playing for us he was dreaming of being back in Brazil.

Fuck of robinho!

and i went and got his name on last seasons shirt. i think everyone who is part of the club feels betrayed by hom, and everyone nowknows he was only here to line the bank account. i dont want him back

I will repeat from one of my earlier posts mate. When you wear a shirt and play for your club you have to play for that shirt and have that desire and passion but Robinho simply didnt have that!
For example, Swp. Although he is not the finished article, He gives his all every game and is determined to play for the shirt and be in the first team. That is a sign that he loves this club and wants to play for this club!

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