Robinho has to be in our 1st 11

Ohh Bluemoon isn't the same as it used to be....

Petrol never used to be so expensive....

People weren't like that in my day!....

If peoples opinions are getting to you i advise you stop posting and take a trip to this website....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
theholyswan said:
Ohh Bluemoon isn't the same as it used to be....

Petrol never used to be so expensive....

People weren't like that in my day!....

If peoples opinions are getting to you i advise you stop posting and take a trip to this website....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I didnt know what Bluemoon used to be you can see, and if you read my post, im new on here.
My point was i couldnt believe how many negative fans there is on here.
I have no problem with different opinions.......just cant believe the amount of negative ones about city.
Northmanc Blue said:
theholyswan said:
Ohh Bluemoon isn't the same as it used to be....

Petrol never used to be so expensive....

People weren't like that in my day!....

If peoples opinions are getting to you i advise you stop posting and take a trip to this website....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I didnt know what Bluemoon used to be you can see, and if you read my post, im new on here.
My point was i couldnt believe how many negative fans there is on here.
I have no problem with different opinions.......just cant believe the amount of negative ones about city.
Totally agree. The negatives seem to outdo the positives by about 3 to 1 at a guess.
Northmanc Blue said:
theholyswan said:
Ohh Bluemoon isn't the same as it used to be....

Petrol never used to be so expensive....

People weren't like that in my day!....

If peoples opinions are getting to you i advise you stop posting and take a trip to this website....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I didnt know what Bluemoon used to be you can see, and if you read my post, im new on here.
My point was i couldnt believe how many negative fans there is on here.
I have no problem with different opinions.......just cant believe the amount of negative ones about city.

Wasnt having a pop at you mate...

Just saying if its getting to you (Not you personally) then go an visit points of view no point getting stressed about it. I agree nothing worse than negativity.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Robbie will become an all-time legend at this club, if he is not hounded-out by sceptics, ill-informed pundits and media agendas.

I am no giddy teenager, and it is clear the defensive side of his game is lacking, as it would be stuck out on the left wing and, last season, not having a decent left-sided midfielder to cover.

Quite simply, Robinho can do things with a football that most players can only dream about.

He fails to be utilised properly when he receives the ball 40-yards from goal and is expected to dribble past at least two covering defenders, lacking serious outright pace to do so.

Played behind the forward striker, he becomes potent beyond belief, slipping in Tevez on the right and Bellamy on the left. Ade's power also allows for him to shield and play him back in.

Robbie playing this way would be worth at least five penalties as season.

If Barcelona consider him good enough for their team, then we must again realise how privileged we are to have him, before we realise too late.

And before anyone says he would be more effective in La Liga, Barca showed against Manure, it doesn't matter what league you play in, football class will always win out.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man, and I remain convinced Robinho will go down in City folklore, the man for the big occasion, when we finally stand on the verge of winning another trophy.

The facts are that SWP will never be good enough at this stage in our development to warrant a starting place as he has done so far.

He is Robbie without the final ball, but with the defensive advantage.

But surely people can see that Tevez out on the right affords us and hopefully a new right-back, all the cover we would ever need.

The cry 'we've got Robinho' should still ring louder than ever, after all, he is our only world class act.

That's a very good post, indeed.

I'd also add that if we're supposed to two players for every position, that puts Tevéz behind Rob's support striker role, Santa behind Ade, Bellamy behind Petrov, Ireland behind Barry and Kompany behind de Jong, if we're talking preferred positions.

That would be an outstanding team to unlock any side.
What gets me about the whole Robi debate is that the people who say we should let him go in Jan are usually the same people who say that without him we are more likely to achieve a champs league spot.

Why do we want a champs league spot? To play in the champs league, of course. We don't exactly need the money, but we do need the exposure (as do our owners). Robi is a fantastic player in the prem, but would be absolutely in his element in the CL. Do people think Barca just want him so he can carry their water bottles? It is Robi and players like him that we will need more than ever if/when we break into the Top 4. Unless we want to be knocked out of the CL pretty much as soon as we get into it (and wouldn't the papers just love that) we are going to need players with CL/Eurpoean experience in spades.

We all know Robi may not be the first choice for Stoke away on a wet Tuesday night in January. On the other hand, if we draw the Slovenian champions PSBR eiudvrgfnfhqie (or whoever) in next season's champs league qualifying round and we need a goal in the last 20 mins, who is more likely than Robi to be able to unlock a European defence? Bellers? Tevez?Vladdy Weiss?

Letting him go in January, given where we want to be in May, would just be so stupid it defies belief.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Robbie will become an all-time legend at this club, if he is not hounded-out by sceptics, ill-informed pundits and media agendas.

I am no giddy teenager, and it is clear the defensive side of his game is lacking, as it would be stuck out on the left wing and, last season, not having a decent left-sided midfielder to cover.

Quite simply, Robinho can do things with a football that most players can only dream about.

He fails to be utilised properly when he receives the ball 40-yards from goal and is expected to dribble past at least two covering defenders, lacking serious outright pace to do so.

Played behind the forward striker, he becomes potent beyond belief, slipping in Tevez on the right and Bellamy on the left. Ade's power also allows for him to shield and play him back in.

Robbie playing this way would be worth at least five penalties as season.

If Barcelona consider him good enough for their team, then we must again realise how privileged we are to have him, before we realise too late.

And before anyone says he would be more effective in La Liga, Barca showed against Manure, it doesn't matter what league you play in, football class will always win out.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man, and I remain convinced Robinho will go down in City folklore, the man for the big occasion, when we finally stand on the verge of winning another trophy.

The facts are that SWP will never be good enough at this stage in our development to warrant a starting place as he has done so far.

He is Robbie without the final ball, but with the defensive advantage.

But surely people can see that Tevez out on the right affords us and hopefully a new right-back, all the cover we would ever need.

The cry 'we've got Robinho' should still ring louder than ever, after all, he is our only world class act.

Superbly put, hats off to you, sir.
Even though it's been over a year and we've signed so many other players, it's still hard to comprehend sometimes that we have ROBINHO at our club!
I can't wait to see Robbie slotting back into the team - he brings something else to our side that no-one else in the squad has - that bit of magic that can gives you an edge over other talented, hard-working, committed sides in the league.

Its the difference between those dirty bastards from Trafford last season, with the Tranny in their side, and the good but unspectacular and workmanlike side they look to be this season. Robbie gives us that spark, which is why I think he's so important to us.

I'd give this line-up a try:

----------de Jong--Barry----------

Bit harsh on Superman, SWP, Kompany & Petrov I know, but they all give us fantastic options to change things from the bench and genuinely offer something different to the team.

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