Robinho IN the 25 man league squad....

MCFC BOB said:
iqjatt said:
Robinho is 200X > bellamy
Why? Because he can do stepovers and a few fancy tricks?

Robinho is a much better player than you appear to think he is. If he stays, I think you're in for a pleasant surprise.
Putting Robinho in the squad ahead of Bellamy is a JOKE...

I love Robinho and he is a great talent but he has PROVEN that he doesnt give two shits about the club or what the fans think about him.

People can say what they like a previous management not building a team around Robinho and that now we have better players we can do that. The fact should remain that NO player is bigger than the club and its reputation. Lets face it we sent the British record buy out on loan to a Brazilian side on his request.

He is going to let us down again. Its just a matter of how long its going to take to happen.
I think we juyst need to make Robinho feel at home.

maybe a little Brazilian culture, may I suggest getting the local girls dancing the surra de bunda. (If you want to know what that is search youtube I aint posting the link).
There is clearly a problem with Mancini and Bellamy and it has been made worse now because of Bellers comments the other day. Mancini has clearly thought now that Bellers has gone too far, but the thing is Robinho has done exactly the same and on more ocassions. He was nothing but a problem when he was here and then when he pissed off back to Brazil all he did was moan about how he has to go back to city and that he wants to stay on the beach in Brazil. If Bellers had played at the same level as Robinho then id be backing Mancini but the fact is Bellers is on another planet to Robinho when it comes to effort and production on the field.

Mancini needs to realise how vital Bellers is to our team for the immediate future, ok hes not going to be here for another 5 years but niether is Robinho, once his contract is up hes going to be gone unless he has already been sold.

It just pisses me off that Robinho can just walk back in to the side and a player of Bellamys commitment and class can be told to fuck off after all he has done to the club. I dont like Mancinis style of football but aslong as we win im happy but he is starting to come across as a 1st class prick.
Bellamy fell out with Mancini big time as has been reported irrespective of cause so his departure was a "Given."

Robinho is a financial wasting asset and obviously personnaly hates living in Manchester but until City get a bid he has to be kept onside to keep him alive and available. Probably also forcing Robinho to accept a transfer to a sunnier clime at a lower more acceptable continental salary. The strategy probably won't work but that is the real thinking. An unhappy player festering on the sub-bench with cameo appearances in pointless games against weak opposition.
I wanna see Robinho and Balotelli being forced to share a 2 bed flat in Moss Side - to inject some fecking reality into them. Both incredibly talented football players - but as petulant as fuck. Perfect examples of the money going to their heads and believing their own hype.
As for Bellers, the problem is that he has had NO loyalty for any club. I agree that he gives all when he is playing, but his forced exit from City is not eactly without one of the most awkward and difficult track records ever seen in British football. He can jump up and down about his fate at City but most other teams have just wanted to get rid of him after a period if time - so nothing new now. He has been a really good servant to City (especially on the reported 90k per week), but his time is past. He will do well for which ever club he goes to until either his knees give out or the rental agreement on his next house expires! Thanks Bellers, but new blood, new team, new future.
bluesimon said:
I wanna see Robinho and Balotelli being forced to share a 2 bed flat in Moss Side - to inject some fecking reality into them. Both incredibly talented football players - but as petulant as fuck. Perfect examples of the money going to their heads and believing their own hype.
As for Bellers, the problem is that he has had NO loyalty for any club. I agree that he gives all when he is playing, but his forced exit from City is not eactly without one of the most awkward and difficult track records ever seen in British football. He can jump up and down about his fate at City but most other teams have just wanted to get rid of him after a period if time - so nothing new now. He has been a really good servant to City (especially on the reported 90k per week), but his time is past. He will do well for which ever club he goes to until either his knees give out or the rental agreement on his next house expires! Thanks Bellers, but new blood, new team, new future.

Balotelli has not signed yet and he hasnt been petulent in a City shirt has he?

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