Robinho speaks

Neutralnobhead said:
Robinho, Ireland, Bellamy the evidence is mounting up and I'm sure we will see more of these statements as the seasons goes on. There is something very rotten at the core of your club. Players now only go to city for money they have no allegiance or will show now loyalty to the club and will be expecting success immediatly. Ireland was possibly the only city fan at the club how does it reflect on you after kicking him out like that. The club is as bad as the mercenaries they hire!

why whats bellemy said? he was very complimentary about city thankyou very much. players who leave clubs sometimes slag clubs off, foster rightly accused the utd fans of being crap supporters because of this norwich scalf thing.
Neutralnobhead said:
Robinho, Ireland, Bellamy the evidence is mounting up and I'm sure we will see more of these statements as the seasons goes on. There is something very rotten at the core of your club. Players now only go to city for money they have no allegiance or will show now loyalty to the club and will be expecting success immediatly. Ireland was possibly the only city fan at the club how does it reflect on you after kicking him out like that. The club is as bad as the mercenaries they hire!

your username is total lies, your not neutral..............
Neutralnobhead said:
Robinho, Ireland, Bellamy the evidence is mounting up and I'm sure we will see more of these statements as the seasons goes on. There is something very rotten at the core of your club. Players now only go to city for money they have no allegiance or will show now loyalty to the club and will be expecting success immediatly. Ireland was possibly the only city fan at the club how does it reflect on you after kicking him out like that. The club is as bad as the mercenaries they hire!

come back when you know something about our club mate, seriously, you're embarrassing yourself.

Oh shit i forgot, your not a rag!

Yeah, dead neutural, hence your red font. Sadly we aren't as stupid as all of your fans so you should just go back to shatcafe before you are banned.

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