I grew up with Roger Moore as Bond and his films remain my favourite to this day - cheesy, naff, corny one liners, unbelievable gadgets and Sir Rog banging women (Barbara Bach stands out) that he had no right to bang!
The Spy Who Loved Me is my favourite of them all with the beautiful Bach and Richard Kiel as Jaws being my favourite henchman though sadly they turned him into a loved up buffoon in Moonraker.
I like all of the actors for different reasons, Dalton I think was very underrated and unlucky to only get 2 films especially as Moore played the role for too long and his final couple he was way too old and the films became Carry On - the Tennis sequence in Octopussy as he sprays tennis balls from a tuk tuk while the people on the street look left and right?
Craig has been very good, better than I expected though I would like Bond to be more light hearted but that doesn't appeal to modern day audiences I guess so they have headed down the Bourne route.
I will forever rue the fact that they never gave Lewis Collins the role when he auditioned, a decision akin to Brian Clough not getting the England job. He would have been ideal in my opinion, proper tough action man with a glint in his eye and an eye for humour.
Going forward, who will succeed the role from DC? I would like to see a modern day Jaws with Indian wrestler Khali taking the role, same size and similar in appearance to the original Jaws.
Last word on Moore: couldn't help but like the bloke. Whenever I saw him interviewed he was always impeccably smart but unexpectedly self-effacing, loved mocking himself and his acting, never took himself too seriously and was a true star