Rooney (MERGED)


Oh dear all is not well at the Theatre of Hallucinations, had to laugh though.

To me it's not just that he has fallen out big time with Taggart, he's had a look at the squad and in particular the rubbish the aging Scotsman signed in the summer and thought, you know what this is rubbish, this club is going to go downhill soon, I'm not staying here.
Ha Ha.
Not sure Mancini will want to buy Rooney anyway, he only buys players to do specific jobs, not just because he's one of Football biggest names
Its not about getting one over on redscum its about getting a great centre forward who can score goals ballotelli tevez and rooney at city you'll all still come and watch I'm bored of all this bollocks about heart and soul we spent 250 million for fuck sake wake up Rooney is a great player that has become available to strengthen our posistion in football Joey Barton was a scum bag but you all cheered him Rooney is a great footballer its signing him based on footballing ability for fuck sake.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ne-rooney/</a>

Apologies if already posted/feel free to delete etc

Its cringetastic and had me in stitches
I'm convinced it's us.

Why i don't think it's Real

They've already ruled themselves out of the running. If this was anybody other than them, we'd believe it. However, this time they may be right. They have Higuain, Benzema, Ozil, Kaka, Ronaldo, Di Maria, Canales and Pedro Leon. Higuain has 31 goals in 39 games last season, and he's started well again this season. Similar story for Ronaldo. Mourinho also seems fairly keen on taking over from Ferguson after Real Madrid sack him (Which they will at some point). I can't see him rocking the boat too much.

Why i don't think it's Barca

Simple really. They've spent their panic money already on Mascherano. They're pretty skint anyway, and had to take a loan out of over £100m in the summer just to pay players wages.

Why i don't think it's Chelsea

They'll probably show a lot of interest to be honest. The problem is the same as the problem they faced when showing an interest in Yaya Toure and David Silva. They're filthy rich, but they can't compete financially with us. On a sporting level they don't hold the Champions League card considering he'd be cup tied anyway. In terms of future prospects they don't really hold an advantage, or if they do, it vanishes as soon as we reach the Champions League. I don't think Coleen would be too happy with him joining Terry and Cole at Chelsea either. Haha. Can you imagine...

Rooney: "I'm just nipping round to JT's for a game of Fifa."

Coleen: "Like fuck you are"

See, that wouldn't work.

Why i don't think it's anyone else

AC Milan don't have a pot to piss in. United wouldn't loan him out. I don't think he'd go to play under Benitez, and i don't think Italy in itself would appeal due to the declining reputation of the league. The only other team in England i've heard as a possible destination is Liverpool, but that's probably not even worth discussing. Staying at United is more likely than the above 3 teams in all honesty.

Why i think it's us

Everything points to us. We have the money to satisfy him, and we have the sporting ambition. We'd move heaven and earth to sign him if he became available...which he has. There's no way in hell we'd let this chance pass without a huge fight. Cook will have been all over for this for a while.

Then there is Coleen. She has a career here. Would she move abroad for him after what he's done? Would she even move out of the north for him? Then there's her little sister. A very small detail but she's reportedly very, very close to her, devoted to seeing her 3 times per week. That would stop with a move outside of the North.

Then we have Cook's napkin, with a potential blockbuster on it. I don't think Balotelli is the blockbuster. Infact i don't think any of the signings over the summer were. We made great signings, but i think it would take a really big name to catch Gallagher's attention like that. Sounds silly, but then Ferguson declares that he knew Rooney wanted out in August. It starts to fall into place.

He's almost certainly got a deal in place with someone. Something this big doesn't get 'leaked' unless it is in preparation for a pre-agreed deal, at least between the player and the club. There's no way in hell Real Madrid would be able to keep quiet over this. They signed Ronaldo 6 times before they actually did ;-)

The Guardian's German Correspondent seems certain it's us. As does the Talksport Dogger...

And, on the last day of the last window, we sold our number 10. We have a nice, shiny number 10 shirt ready to be claimed.

I rest my case. Welcome to Manchester. :-)

blucat599 said:
Oh dear all is not well at the Theatre of Hallucinations, had to laugh though.

To me it's not just that he has fallen out big time with Taggart, he's had a look at the squad and in particular the rubbish the aging Scotsman signed in the summer and thought, you know what this is rubbish, this club is going to go downhill soon, I'm not staying here.
Ha Ha.
Not sure Mancini will want to buy Rooney anyway, he only buys players to do specific jobs, not just because he's one of Football biggest names

Spot on.

August 12th United sign the littlest hobo, August 13th City sign the hottest young prospect in Italy, August 14th he hands a transfer request...coincidence or has he seen which way the wind is blowing?.
ono said:
I'm convinced it's us.

Why i don't think it's Real

They've already ruled themselves out of the running. If this was anybody other than them, we'd believe it. However, this time they may be right. They have Higuain, Benzema, Ozil, Kaka, Ronaldo, Di Maria, Canales and Pedro Leon. Higuain has 31 goals in 39 games last season, and he's started well again this season. Similar story for Ronaldo. Mourinho also seems fairly keen on taking over from Ferguson after Real Madrid sack him (Which they will at some point). I can't see him rocking the boat too much.

Why i don't think it's Barca

Simple really. They've spent their panic money already on Mascherano. They're pretty skint anyway, and had to take a loan out of over £100m in the summer just to pay players wages.

Why i don't think it's Chelsea

They'll probably show a lot of interest to be honest. The problem is the same as the problem they faced when showing an interest in Yaya Toure and David Silva. They're filthy rich, but they can't compete financially with us. On a sporting level they don't hold the Champions League card considering he'd be cup tied anyway. In terms of future prospects they don't really hold an advantage, or if they do, it vanishes as soon as we reach the Champions League. I don't think Coleen would be too happy with him joining Terry and Cole at Chelsea either. Haha. Can you imagine...

Rooney: "I'm just nipping round to JT's for a game of Fifa."

Coleen: "Like fuck you are"

See, that wouldn't work.

Why i don't think it's anyone else

AC Milan don't have a pot to piss in. United wouldn't loan him out. I don't think he'd go to play under Benitez, and i don't think Italy in itself would appeal due to the declining reputation of the league. The only other team in England i've heard as a possible destination is Liverpool, but that's probably not even worth discussing. Staying at United is more likely than the above 3 teams in all honesty.

Why i think it's us

Everything points to us. We have the money to satisfy him, and we have the sporting ambition. We'd move heaven and earth to sign him if he became available...which he has. There's no way in hell we'd let this chance pass without a huge fight. Cook will have been all over for this for a while.

Then there is Coleen. She has a career here. Would she move abroad for him after what he's done? Would she even move out of the north for him? Then there's her little sister. A very small detail but she's reportedly very, very close to her, devoted to seeing her 3 times per week. That would stop with a move outside of the North.

Then we have Cook's napkin, with a potential blockbuster on it. I don't think Balotelli is the blockbuster. Infact i don't think any of the signings over the summer were. We made great signings, but i think it would take a really big name to catch Gallagher's attention like that. Sounds silly, but then Ferguson declares that he knew Rooney wanted out in August. It starts to fall into place.

He's almost certainly got a deal in place with someone. Something this big doesn't get 'leaked' unless it is in preparation for a pre-agreed deal, at least between the player and the club. There's no way in hell Real Madrid would be able to keep quiet over this. They signed Ronaldo 6 times before they actually did ;-)

And, on the last day of the last window, we sold our number 10. We have a nice, shiny number 10 shirt ready to be claimed.

I rest my case. Welcome to Manchester. :-)

For all we know it could have already have been agreed and theyve let out the Rooney wants out knowing that it would fizzle out given time.. :)
Still would prefer Dzeko and have a feeling Bobby would too. But this may be a case where the bosses step in and view Rooney (or Torres) as a "project" signing to improve our global brand recognition. Such is the way our club is heading and probably the quickest way to grow.
This could be the most divisive signing we've ever made and put the arrivals of Bellamy or Tevez in to outer space. Some of the Blues down the Pub or at work were getting wound up about Tevez coming in - but there's no mither anymore because he's done a job on the pitch. If anyone hates him now then they're a twat.

Personally, I think if Rooney can improve on what we already have then he should be welcomed. He might need a change of scenery to clear his head and find his form again or he might be on a downward spiral. I hope it's the former.

He could come.
I get a little bit of sick in the back of my throat just thinking about it. It could be because a huge part of me finds the idea of him playing for us absolutely abhorrent, and thinks that his presence would taint anything and everything we won while he was at the club. But then it could be because I'm so disgusted with the tiny little minute part of me that realises he's a world class talent and actually relishes the prospect of him in sky blue ripping up the league. Think its probably a bit of both.

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